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I couldn't remember who these people were. I couldn't even begin to care. All I knew was that this was the best joint I had ever smoked. I took another deep drag and blew the smoke in circles. Right as I was blowing, a girl with blonde hair wearing a Rolling Stones t-shirt sat on my lap. I could tell she was as high as a kite by the way she bobbed her head to the heavy metal music that was playing.

"Good, right?" one of the guys- who I think was the dealer of this phenomenal joint, not sure- said.

I just nodded; too busy enjoying the high to talk.

I loved coming here, The Alley, where I could just hang-out and get completely fucked up. It was better than home (if I could call it that at all.)

With my parents' divorce and my mom running off somewhere to get married to her gardener, I wasn't all too happy sitting around with my short-tempered dad. He would come home sometimes, drunk stupid, and start trashing the place. Most of the time, I couldn't care less what he wanted to do but when he got to my room and started wreaking havoc there, yeah, that bugged me a bit. Especially when I had vintage vinyl records on my top shelf which he could easily get to since he's a giant. Well, he's 6'3 but whatever, same thing.

In a daze, I glanced at my watch to see that it was almost 3 in the morning.

"Fuck" I muttered. "Thanks for the party fellas, but I gotta go. Ciao" I said and I got up which made the blonde girl on my lap tumble to the floor. She didn't even bother getting up. I think she fell asleep. Stoners...

The Alley was just a couple of blocks from my house that was at the end of the street. I walked with my hands in my pockets and the wind blowing against my dark quiff. It wasn't particularly quiet that night but I could feel something was off. I stopped mid-walk when I heard a sound. I snapped my head left and right, looking for the source. It was a groaning sound, like the groans I made when I had to wake up for school on a Saturday morning or something. I stood still for a beat, waiting but when nothing happened, I just shook it off and started walking again.

"Ey, pops!" I called out for my dad as I rubbed the heels of my shoes on the rug outside. The door was never locked for some reason. I guess my dad just didn't care about anything anymore.

I stepped foot inside and turned to shut the door. The house was dark except for the light coming out of the television in the living room. I walked over to turn it off.

"The Plague has spread across the country and a few safety precautions must be taken into consideration. To know if any of your family members have been infected, check the," the reporter on the news was rambling.

"Bla bla bla" I muttered. I've heard it all before, over and over again. They kept warning us, the news people and some of my neighbours as well, but they're all obviously paranoid. It was clearly some ridiculous conspiracy the internet had created to spook the dumbasses of the world. I switched the television off and tossed the remote onto the couch.

I started to make my way up my room before I heard it again, the groaning. This time it was really close. It was coming from the kitchen. As I was walking down the hall, the whole house was completely silent. About halfway there, I stopped, telling myself that I was probably just really high from all that good ol' marijuana. But I heard it again.

"For fuck's sake" I huffed before turning the corner and into the kitchen.

I froze.

My dad was on the ground and a shirtless man was perched beside him, eating his intestines.

The man was groaning and slurping my dad's insides as I stared at my dad's face. He was pale and his eyes were still wide open in shock. I couldn't decipher what was going on so I just stood there, hoping. Hoping this was a dream. Hoping this was just me being extremely high. Hoping that this man, or thing, wasn't real and my dad was just in the kitchen, looking for the beer opener. But to my dismay, this was reality.

I snapped myself out of the trance I was in and took a few steps back. The floorboards creaked beneath me and the man looked up. Goddamn.

His eyes were red and his irises were pitch black as if there was no life in them. He stared at me for the longest time before growling and baring his teeth. The blood, my father's blood, was dripping down his molars and fell to the floor. I looked at the blood then back to his face. He was not human.

So I ran.

I ran out the house and onto the front porch and lo and behold, there were about a dozen of him running around. I couldn't hear the screams of my neighbours from inside the house, maybe because my brain was too occupied with the thing eating my father's kidneys. But now, outside, the screams were all I can hear.

It was absolute chaos.

I could see the men pouncing on Mr Fitz who used to annoy me with his incredibly loud Reggae music. He shouted and for a moment, he turned his head and looked directly at me. His eyes were wide open and terrified. It was a second later that one of the men pulled his eyeball out right from his eye sockets. Yeah, that's definitely something you don't see every-single-fucking-day.

I heard the groaning and turned to see the man who ate my dad, running towards me. I sped to my truck and grabbed the keys from inside my pocket. I always kept the keys in my pocket. You never know when you might need an extra pack of beer or an escape from man-eating monsters, am I right?

I backed the car out of the driveway and stomped my foot on the accelerator. I didn't know where I was going, and frankly, I didn't care. As I drove, the screams got louder and the realization that my dad was eaten by something that looked so unfamiliar hit me hard. I didn't even know I was crying until I felt my cheeks getting cold and wet. I wiped the tears with the sleeve of my shirt and continued to drive.

This can't be happening. Why is this happening? It's a dream. It will be over by tomorrow. Goddamn it. Wake up, Dexter. Wake up.


Thanks for reading my sort of dystopian/zombie book :D Vote if you enjoyed this. It would really help me out a lot.

By the way, I have another book which is kind of a contemporary/romance genre titled 'Away We Go.' Check that out if you're into that sort of thing. Anyways, byeeee

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