Chapter 2

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I woke up when I felt a pair of hands pulling me by the legs. I didn't argue, I just lay there, letting whoever it was pulling my leg to take me away. I was too tired, too embarrassed and too afraid to do anything. After witnessing a guy my age get his face eaten, I pretty much gave up on life.

The person dragged me out of the truck and let me fall flat on my back. The concrete underneath me was hot against my t-shirt. I grumbled and finally sat up. The female soldier from before was looking down on me. She took her gasmask off but the sun behind her was shadowing her face and I could only see the colour of her hair. It was black, so black it looked like she dyed it. "Get up, peestain" she said. Her voice was a lot less harsh this time and it was refreshing to hear a girl talk after listening to all that hideous growling for the past week.

"Get up" she said again, this time actually helping me up. I was 5'11 which was tall I guess for a 17 year old boy, and she was 5'5 I think, so I towered over her. Now that I was in a standing position, I could see her entire face.

She had thick black eyebrows, long curled eyelashes, brown eyes and pale skin. Her dark features contrasted with the lack of colour in her skin which made her absolutely beautiful. I've never met a girl this pretty ever in my life. And now that I have the chance, my pants are stained with pee. Ladies and gentleman, the perks of being Dexter Young.

"Why are you looking at me like that and goddamn, you smell like a dead dog that rolled around in his own faeces" she said, her nose scrunched up as she stood in-front of me. Well, she sure is a charmer. I scratched the back of my neck, not really having a response to that. She sighed, exasperated. "Come on, peestain. Let's get you processed" which caused me to furrow my eyebrows. Processed? What was I? Canned beef?

She led me inside what looked like an army base. The walls were covered with wires and there were sentry guns surrounding the perimeter. I looked up and I could see several soldiers with their sniper rifles, ready to shoot the Things if they were lurking by. She noticed me observing the place and said "home sweet home, ey peestain?"

I shot her a glare.

"Stop calling me that" I snapped but she just laughed.

We walked even further into the secured area and I could hear drill sergeants barking at his cadets. I should know since I was a boy scout once. Ha. I never thought I'd hear those degrading comments again; especially not in this condition. Then I remembered my friends or my deeply uninteresting stoner buddies, if you will. Where were they? Were they here? Did they survive? I was starting to get sick of all the questions lying around in my head. She mocked a salute at a soldier who looked about our age. He smirked and gestured over to me.

"Fresh meat" she answered. He trailed his eyes down my body and up again.

"Judging by the stain on his pants, he won't last a week" he replied with a hint of mirth in his tone. Oh ha-ha, fuck you too.

"In here" she said as she opened the doors to reveal a white room. And it was literally white, as in everything, from the tiles, to the walls, to the hose, to the drain, to the wait. Hose? Drain? What is this? I took a step back but she pushed me forward and I almost fell. She rolled her eyes at me as if I was the biggest idiot she had ever encountered. I staggered over to the end of the room and she locked the door behind her. I looked around. There was nothing much except for the stack of clean towels by the sink. Then, she untangled the hose and held the nozzle up, facing me.

"Take your clothes off" she instructed nonchalantly as if she had just asked me to set the dining room table or something. I stared at her. Was she for real?

Apparently, she was serious and she jutted her left knee and looked at me with slight annoyance.

"Come on, peestain. I haven't got all day."

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