Damian x Reader

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Gaahhh, I really hope you guys enjoy the first one shot, it ended up being a little longer then I thought but I had fun writing it! Maybe I'll make a part two, perhaps?                                                                                       - Teddy ʕ'•ᴥ•'ʔ



The sudden shout almost made you drop the tall pile of comics that were balanced within your hands, teetering for a few moments before going still. Letting out a faint 'phew' from your lips in relief. 

You worked part time at the Comic Book Store that wasn't located too far away from the place you attended, the Zoo Phoenix Academy. It had recently opened and you didn't want to pass up on the opportunity to work there since you had always enjoyed reading comics when you were younger and to your surprise, the store owner had hired you a few days after the job interview. Now, you knew that during your shift some days would be more difficult then others because..well, you were one of the few humans that lived in an interspecies society after all but as long as you remained optimistic about things then there really was nothing to worry about, right? Wrong. 

As soon as the entrance door pried open, you knew that today's shift was going to be one of the more difficult ones. Your best friend, Kayla, had warned you about this guy more times then you could count, the main reason being because she was utterly terrified of him and didn't want to be anywhere remotely close in his presence. To you, it seemed like a bit of an exaggeration but now that he was only within a yard's distance away from where you stood, it was somewhat understandable why a few people would be a little taken aback by his image. Now granted, you had seen many other species that were a lot more frightening to look at but by the fact that you knew exactly what he was, thanks to Kayla, it made it all the more unsettling.  I mean..

He was the son of satan. 

A chill would crawl up your spine just from the thought and you hurriedly made your way behind the cashier counter to put away each comic that was in the pile you were holding beforehand, trying to look as discreet as possible while doing so, observing the male in silence. 

He was chattering away at someone that was beside him who you hadn't noticed before till now, a rather feminine looking male that was dressed in light shades of green with a scarf loosely wound about his neck. You had seen him only a couple of times at the Zoo Phoenix Academy but your attention was more drawn to the little demon that was levitating a few feet above the ground, a barely visible red translucent aura surrounding his being. He wore a short outfit that was all tattered and jagged at the ends with ruffled dark colored fur that stood out in some spots. There wasn't anything too bizarre about his appearance for the most part, which only made you feel a little cautious instead of scared. 

Despite being a devil spawn, for lack of a better word, he acted so..well, harmless. With that in mind, after you had finished putting away things, you flipped to a page in a comic you were currently reading that had peaked your interest, simply preoccupying yourself with that for the time being until--

"AW YISSS, that comic is the shizz!!"

You sputtered out a gasp from the sudden outburst that had interrupted your reading, clearly startled, almost dropping the book in your hands. Lifting your head, you saw as Damian was now right in front of you, his piercing red eyes gazing with a look of approval. After a few quick moments of gathering your thoughts, you then realized that he was addressing the comic you were reading, moving your head into a small nod as you finally spoke up. "Oh..uhm,yeah" You were not really sure how to go about this, not expecting the male to go over to talk to you, let alone notice what you were reading. Besides, your social skills weren't really the best honestly. "It's..one of my favorites actually" You added with a tiny, awkward smile. 

Damian had levitated closer to the counter, raising his hands up in the air for a short second to show his enthusiasm as he replied, lips tugging into a sharp-toothed lopsided smile. "Eyyy, mine too! Its got all kinds of cool action n' stuff!" After that, a conversation had started between the two of you expressing each others interests in comic books. You couldn't remember the last time you had met someone who enjoyed them as much as you did.  All the uneasiness and unsure thoughts seemed to dissipate as you both conversed, all but forgetting about why you were so cautious of him in the first place. Even though your best friend Kayla feared the guy, you couldn't help but start to think that he was actually kind of fun to be around.  The tiny smile upon your face only seemed to grow bigger as you would laugh at the things that he said. Wow..maybe he really wasn't as bad as you thought. "You know, you're pretty cool" You mused between giggles after you guys had finished talking about a new comic series, mumbling something else without even thinking about it.

"A-and cute.."

The moment the words slipped out of your mouth, the conversation went into a standstill. Did you really just say that out loud..? What seemed like an almost painfully long silence fell between the both of you. This time, you felt even more awkward then earlier as you timidly shifted on your feet, mentally debating on whether or not to look over at him since he hadn't said anything yet. When you did, you were surprised at what you saw. The fur on the demon's cheeks were shaded a blackish crimson, eyes looking off to the side. Damian was used to getting yelled at and mocked but..receiving compliments was definitely something he wasn't used to, especially when it came down to being called cute. 

He was blushing... 

Seeing this only caused your own cheeks to pinken in color and by that time, the feminine looking male that had been looking around the store most of the time, which you had assumed was Damian's friend was now by the counter as well, a smirk starting to form as he glanced the other's way, hands fixing at his scarf "Oh!..Is that blush I see, Dame?" Immediatly, a look of embarrassment flashed across his expression but it was gone as quickly as it appeared, though his cheeks still had hints of blush on them"Dude Addi, Shut up!" A small 'Grrr' would leave him as he eyed his friend down who only seemed to chuckle into his stripe-patterned gloved hand, obviously amused by how he had reacted. 

After borrowing money from his friend to buy comics, they both left with Damian saying that he would be coming to the store more often and honestly...

You couldn't wait to see him again. 


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