Chapter 2: At the Door

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Recap: Someones at the door while you and Ray were Making love


Yn's POV


????: Ummm Ray we needa talk

The voice sounded like a female maybe it was his mother

Ray: What do You want Mya and how did you even get in?

Mya: You left your keys at my place and All i want to do is talk to you.. let me in your room please

Ray: About what im busy can you go

The girl pushed Ray out the way and walked in and she saw me in the bed

Mya: Oh is this the reason why you didnt want me in *Teary eyes*

I looked at the girl and i was very confused

Mya: We have been together for 10 months and this is what you do to me Have a naked girl in your bed *Runs out and slams the door*

I took my things and got dressed i was angry i tried to leave his room but he blocked me.

Ray: Yn i can explain

Yn: *Tearing up* So what am i a side chick *Tears fall* Listen Ray you obviously played me for these 8 months ive been with you.. i never would of thought that the person i knew for most of my life would do this to me *Paused took a deep breathe*

Ray: Yn just hear me out please

Yn: No *Push Ray out the Way and leave*



I knew one day the truth would be out but i didnt think it would be the day i was making love with Yn. I have to talk to Yn to tell her everything.

It was onlyly 6:00pm 1 hour after yn left. i picked up my phone and called her it rang twice and went straight to voice mail.

i called her again and went to voice mail again. i called about 4 more times i gave up i threw my phone on the ground and started knocking things off my dresser.



I was really upset I loved Ray but i couldnt believe what he has done to me.

Ray Called me about ten times but i didnt answer i just ignored him.

He broke my heart does he expect that his words can make me come back to him.

I couldnt take it anymore I went outside for a walk.

As i walking i saw a familiar face come towards me.

???: Excuse me

The familiar face became right in front of me and stopped me in my track.

Me: Uum yess ?

???: Im Rays Girlfriend Mya and your the little hoe that was in Rays bed today

Me: I am not a hoe but i was the girl that was in his bed

Mya: Exactly your just some girl he found and f*cked around with

Me: Im not just a girl he found and f*cked around with i was his girlfriend you dumb smut

Mya: Whatever But just to let you know that your "Boyfriend" is gonna

be a...(GCO)

*Honk Honk*

Some guy in a Lamborghini pulled up.

???: Ayo Mya is that you i havent seem you forever since we fucked last time

She gave him the look to go away.

???: Member 2 Months ago was the last time.

Mya: Diggy thats enough bye

Diggy gets out the car and he goes to Mya and starts wrapping his arms around her waist

Me: Ok well im gonna get going *i walked off really fast*

Mya pushed Diggy off of her

Diggy: So thats how it is okay

Mya: Ray is gonna be a father *She creamed so i can hear her as i was already down the block

I kept walking and then all of a sudden i started to cry when i turned the corner i ran all the way home.


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