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For all the people who believes in me,later kawaiis!

I'm late.I'm always late,I don't know why...maybe because I sometimes need to visit grandma or get distracted by flowers.Mother told me don't go to the woods but I just can't help it,there are so many things to see!But I guess mother isn't convinced...

I only have one friend,Gina Locks.Daughter of Goldie locks,she's just like me.She always like to go to the woods and is sneaky...

I skipped to school,I know I was supposed to run since I'm late but it's a lovely morning and I don't want to waste it until,"HONK HONK!!!!"a car beeped at me until I looked around and I was in the middle of the streets,dreaming!"Sorry!"I ran as fast as I can faraway as possible.Thank Goldness!I wasn't only the only one late but unlucky for me the announcement came on and here comes the silent moment,everyone stood still.I tried to push over this 146 guy and he wouldn't budge.I was about to freak out and to top that off I screamed,"Okay Students it's over!!!!!!!!!"in front of the crow,I died of embarrassment!!But luckily I saw Goldie signaling to come over and hide in the bush and I obeyed her fast before you can say my full name,"Thanks a lot I owe you!!!"I whispered great fully while I watch students around looking at each other to see who screamed that.Omg(Oh my golden)
I feel like I owe her something big cause if I was there,I couldn't felt like a flat ballon!But just then Goldie shot me a look the said,"You-think-that-a-poor-thing-like-you-would-pay-a-rich-thing-like-me?"but then she smile and said,"No biggie,that's what bestie do!"I felt better of her saving my life but I need to owe her!

I guess I'll figure out what she wants in class.

My bad,forgot to go to math class.Oh well,I went to my dorm and opened the closet.I wasn't going to change,I was going to get the water ballon gun 2000.I sneaked out of school trying to hide from the teacher and cleaner zombies until I meet up with my friends in the janitor's closet."Wassup Dawg!!"
said Jake(From the story of the three little pigs)"Yo lets get thing thin goin!!"said fez(the fox)we all slapped each other's back and went to sneak in the principle's office,we place a bucket of paint in the door,a let-out-the-gas ballon and drew pictures of him and all the teachers.We were bad.The baddest.

"He's coming!"said Fez
"RUN!!!"said Jake
We all did and hidden near the principle's office and guess what?He was mad cause we're bad!

We let out a howl and went back to our hideout,we decided to dare each other for something stupid,
Fez had to try to trash the Charming's house,Jake had to hid miss Sandy's glasses,I was the last one to get a dare...

"Aye Dawg,Truth or Dare?"Said Fez
"Nah,Truth"I said wanting to take it easy.
"I bet you can't keep a girl!"I went silent as my pals laughed so loud I bet the teacher thought the janitors were hanging out again!
"I can and I can prove it!"I snapped.
"Okay you got 1 week to prove it dawg..."Said Jake and when it comes to bets I win bets.
"And if I win this bet your paying me one month for lunch"Said Fez
"Deal!"we both said!

This was going to be hard....😓
I have a good idea for the next one later Kawaiis!

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