I open my eyes to see a empty spot next to me on my bed. I slowly look around the bedroom to see no sign of Grant. I get regretfully out of bed, to be embraced by the cold air. I look down and see myself in only a small, lacy set of underwear from Victoria's Secrete.
I open my closet and throw on one of Grants shirt's. I chose a white dress shirt that falls to my mid thigh. I walk out of the closet and look out the window. Grant's red Lamborghini Aventator was parked on the driveway, which meant he was here.
I opened the door and walked down the hallway, to the stairs. I hear the TV playing soft music. I slowly walk down the stairs looking around. Still, no Grant.
I walk to the kitchen and see Grant making breakfast. He wore a simple white shirt and black jeans. Every time he moved you could see his muscles clenching and, damn, did he looked sexy. I walk over to him, making sure he knows of my presence by humming to the soft tune of the music. He turns to look at me and shows his pearly white teeth. I return the favor and ask, "What are you making? " "Pancakes and bacon," he replies.
"Do you want any help," I ask.
"Sure, start mixing the pancake mix."
"Okay," I walk over to the bowl.
I walk over to a bowl filled with powder, milk, butter, and eggs. I take a whisk in my hand and start beating the ingredients together. By the time I'm done, Grant had fixed the bacon and was watching me.
"What," I ask.
"You know, you look really good in my shirt," he says in a deep seductive way, making my body involuntary shake.
"Thank you," I reply, trying not to stutter or show weakness.
He slowly walks towards me and seductively whispers in my ear,
"But you look better without it." I open my mouth to say something, but he grabs my waist and starts slowly trailing kisses up my neck and down my jaw, leaving sparks of electricity wherever he touches. He picks up my left thigh, telling me to wrap it around his waist. I do so will, and wrap my right leg around him as well. He breaks the light, feathery kisses and licks his plump lips, occasionally looking at mine. He sets me on the counter top and passionately kisses me. At first I'm caught of guard and just sit there, until I fully realize what he is doing.
I then, move my lips accordingly to his. Fiery passion burning throughout me. He softy licks my lips, with his tongue, wanting me to open my mouth to deepen the kiss. I reluctantly don't, making him squeeze my ass, making me gasp. He took this as his chance and slid his tongue in my mouth. We fought for dominance, our tongue's tangling with each others. He finally won, slowly exploring every inch of my mouth, making me hot. He ran his hands up and down my sides, making me shiver in pleasure.
A knock sounded at the door. He reluctantly pulled away and let out a breath of frustration. He smirked as he watched my panting figure. Then, he walked out of the room, leaving me on the counter. Wanting more.
How was the chapter? Did you like it? Hate it? Any comments would be helpful, considering this is my first story. But for now, see you later.