Opportunity with a Price

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It had been a long day for you, training for most of the day with your teammates to prepare for the next mission into the unknown.

At least, it was unknown to you. This would be your first mission outside the walls since you joined the Survey Corps, you couldn't wait to see how your training pays off.

You were on your way back to your room to get a much needed nights rest, you yawn and stretch out your arms when you were tapped you on the shoulder. You turn around.

"Mikasa? What are you doing up? We have that expedition tomorrow." You say to your friend and teammate.

"Yeah I know but the Corporal wants to see you." She replies. You cock your head to the side.

'Why does the Corporal want to see me? At this hour?' You think.

"Do you know what he wants?" You ask. Mikasa shook her head.

"Sorry [F/n], I was only told to deliver the message."

"Alright. Thanks Mikasa, goodnight." You both go your separate ways.

You knock on the Corporal's door and wait. The last time you entered without waiting, the Corporal threw one of his blades at the door frame. The blade barely missed your head and had even cut some of your hair.

"State name and business." His monotone voice came from behind the door.

"[F/n] [L/n] Sir. You had called for me." He gave you the OK to enter. You shut the door behind you and walked to his desk, saluting in your spot.

The Corporal looked at you, face completely emotionless and stoic. He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the desk and his chin on his hands.

"Drop the salute now solider. This is important." You did as you were instructed. He motioned to the seat next to you, you sat and listened intently.

"I've seen your skills Cadet. Quite impressive if I do say so myself." You blink.

'Did I just get a compliment from the legendary Lance Corporal Levi? Am I dreaming?'

You've only ever dreamed of getting a compliment from Corporal Levi, then a smile... then a hug... then a kiss... then a make out session... then a relationship... then going to bed with him to-

"Are you even listening, brat?" Levi snapped you back to reality with warning in his voice. Yes you had a crush on Corporal Levi, ever since you first saw him in action in the Trost District.

"Sorry Sir, I'm fully focused now." You stop all thoughts and focus on what your superior was about to say.

"Tch. As I was saying, you have great skill, better than any cadet thus far. You've been top ranked by your squad leader and he has asked if you may be moved to a squad better suited for you." He paused to let the information absorb.

"I'd like you to join the Special Operations Squad, AKA my squad." My eyes widened. The Levi squad?? That's such an honour!

"Sir, it would be an honour to work alongside the very best of the best." You say a little bit shocked.

'I'm in the... Levi Squad!' You celebrated in you mind for a moment.

"Commander Erwin has approved but we've agreed that you must first be tested." The Corporal stood up.

"Tested how Sir?" You tilted your head slightly. The Corporal shot you a glare, making you shiver with fear.

"If you stayed quiet, then you'd know." You made a mental note to seal your lips.

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