Yesh yesh part of my drawings us on there but the chibi and the elf head ain't mine XD those are my sister's but anyways yes I like to draw it's part of my human life welp part of it . I like to draw on a digital pad and paper but paper really irritates me so much because you have to erase blow it it off and wipe it off then draw and etc keeps going on and on and on but my fellow readers I'm am not going into art school but my parents want me to join
Dad: 世辞容量後とあrtsちょおl。
Me: ネヴェルソン。
Yea if you don't understand then I'll try to translate it for you
Dad: seji you go to art school
Me: never
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeep life is strange sometimes but hey it could but hella fun