Chapter 1

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(Authors note: I know the storylines and characters might be a bit off from the time but I am choosing to do that for this story. I am also pretending that wrestling is real and their names are their stage names. This story starts after The Montreal Screwjob when Shawn won the title but instead of the Screwjob happening Triple H and Chyna interfered on Shawn's behalf without the ref noticing and he won. In this story Bret Hart also chose to stay in the WWF and not leave to WCW.)

Lynne's POV

I was sitting in my small apartment in Montreal staring at the computer screen in front of me just like I had been for the last three hours. In that time I had typed two words, Chapter One.

I sighed closing down the document. It has always been my dream to be a writer but more specifically a romance writer.

Ever since I was about five I have dreamed of meeting Mr. Right. I had everything all planned on how we were going to meet and everything. I was going to be walking with coffee, or books, or something and he would bump into me. When he looked down he would see me where he knocked me down and help me up before asking me on a date.

After about a year and a half of dating he would take me to the place we first met and get down on one knee with the ring that has been in my family for generations and ask me to marry him.

It seems really cliche but the more cliche, the more romantic! All these dreams of romance inspired me to write about it and when I was little I would create romantic stories and act them out with my friends. This all seemed great then but now I'm 21 and can't write a romantic story because I have never been in love!

How could I possibly write an amazing novel without first experiencing the whole emotion the book is based off?

I stood up from my desk chair and looked at myself in the mirror. Dark brown eyes stared at me covered by large brown curls in my hair.

I never considered myself beautiful but I definitely didn't think I was ugly. Now that I really thought though maybe I was and that was why my Prince Charming want here yet?

Before I could think anymore depressing thoughts about my love life (or lack there of) the doorbell rang. I ran to answer it and saw my best friend Trisha Jean standing there.

Trisha is the perfect example of what a guy would like. She has the perfect body with big breast and a decent sized butt. She wears sexy clothes all the time like crop tops, short skirts, skinny jeans, and short shorts. Her blonde hair is always perfect and shiny and her face is more makeup than actual skin.

I'm a very shy person so I never really met many people. When I went to University Trisha was my roommate and at first I hated her. She was really loud and constantly through parties instead of working. However a couple of weeks in she started being really nice and giving me fashion tips and advice if I helped her with her course work. I of course agreed because I don't want to be on her bad side and I could have really used some friends.

"Hey Lynne!" Trisha began in the sing song sound she made when she wanted something from me. "I got two tickets to Raw which is in Montreal tonight and I need someone to go with and make me look good since Michelle got sick. We're going to go look at all the hot shirtless guys and maybe I'll pick one up tonight. After all if your going I'll certainly look like a catch if I stand by you."

That last comment stung a bit but I didn't want to lose my only friend so I sighed and said "Sure Trisha. I'll come with."

Trisha smiled with her perfect teeth me said "Great lets get ready."

I smiled on the outside but groaned on the inside. I hated wrestling! What have I gotten myself into?

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