Chapter 2

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(Authors Note: I am Canadian so I have nothing against Canadians but in 1997 Shawn often complained and made fun of Canada on tv so he will say some disrespectful things about Canada. Also the pics at the top are kind of pictures of what I think Lynne looks like.)

Shawn's POV

Last night at Survivor Series I had won the WWF title from Bret Hart before getting booed out of the building by the dumb ass Canadians all supporting their precious Hitman.

Tonight I was going back out with my best friend Triple H and Chyna to do some segment on Bret.

I didn't really care what I did tonight because I didn't want to be here. I was much to good to be wrestling in this stupid country and after the show Hunter and I were going to go to a bar and party. Normally this would end with me sleeping with a sexy woman I met their who wanted one wild night with HBK because let's face it I'm the hottest thing in sports entertainment right now and who wouldn't want to be with me?

But because we were in Canada, I'm not going to sleep with anyone no matter how good they look. I don't want to get any Hart/Canada diseases or germs down there. With the way Hart's hair looks all the time and all the grease in it I'm going to assume nobody ever showers here and that's just disgusting.

I heard my name get called to go to the ramp so I sauntered over and listened for my cue to go out.

As I strutted down the ramp and danced into the ring making the DX crotch chop at almost every member of the ring I surveyed the crowd not seeing anyone special. What a boring place Canada was.

Hunter and I grabbed mic's and I began my long disrespectful speech on Bret and Canada when my eyes made contact with the most beautiful brown eyes ever and I stopped mid sentence and froze.

My heart started beating a mile a minute so loud I could hear it thumping in my ears and I could feel my face starting to burn up. Luckily for me well this was happening Hunter being the good friend he is took over my promo so I didn't embarrass myself too much.

I pulled my eyes away from hers to listen to Hunter and add on anything he missed hit my eyes were immediately drawn back to the brown eyed girl.

She was no longer looking at me which made me feel a surprising pang in my heart almost like I wanted her to look at me and only me. She was talking to a blonde girl who looked like the type of woman I normally pick to fuck at the bars but right now I could care less about her friend and was more concerned with the brunette beauty who I was unable to tear my eyes from.

Who was this girl and what was it that I'm feeling? My first thought was that it might of been love but I pushed that thought to the back of my head. Love was a stupid idea for idiots who couldn't get whoever they wanted. Me? I could get any girl I didn't need love! Love doesn't even exist! Especially not love at first sight or soulmates or anything stupid like that. I could never understand the notion of love. When you can have any girl you want why settle for just one? Hunter once told me that when you really fall in love you don't want to think about or be with anyone else but I think that's total BS.

Once I ruled out love I decided it might have to be lust because that's the only other emotion that made sense. However I have never lusted after someone so hard in my life before. It felt like I would die if I didn't meet her and I hated how she made me feel so I started trying to change my emotions to hate because I was not sleeping with the stupid beautiful Canadian who made me feel things I've never felt before just by looking at her.

I tuned into my segment again just in time because Hunter had finished covering for me and our theme began playing well we left the ring.

I walked to the dressing room with Hunter when he asked "What happened out there Shawn? I totally had to cover for you because you started spacing out in the middle of the ring."

"It was nothing Hunter." I said in a crisp annoyed voice still frustrated at the feeling from before and now starting to feel a sadness from giving up the chance to meet her.

"It was that girl from the audience wasn't it? The brunette one? You like her don't you? Shawn's in love! Shawn's in love! Shawn's in lo-" Hunter began calling before I yelled "Shut the fuck up! I'm not in love with that stupid ugly Canadian girl and I don't need to hear you implying that! I spaced out it won't happen again now shut up!" Then I turned and marched out of the room in a fit of anger.

I was so mad at myself and Hunter I didn't look where I was going and ran right into someone sending them to the ground and their hot coffee flying all over me and them. "Watch where the fuck your going, Bitch!" I yelled looking down at my destroyed shirt and wiping at the hot coffee stain burning me.

"I'm really sorry." A soft beautiful voice said filling my ears and making me look at the person on the ground and right into the eyes of the girl from the audience.

(Authors note The next chapter will be this chapter from Lynne's POV)

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