One year later...

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One year later...

Sulli: Jinni-yah, don't forget our meet-up today! You have to come! 7PM at Seoul Lounge.

I sighed as I reread the text message sent to me by my friend. Meet-up. Ah, that class reunion I don't want to attend to. It's not that I don't want to see my classmates. It's just that...he might be there...

Me: Sulli-yah, can I not come? I'm a little busy.

Sulli: No, you can't come on, it will be fun.

Me: But I might see, you know...

Sulli: He won't come.

Me: We can't be sure...

Sulli: It's been a year, come one. It should not matter.

Sulli: PS. Wear appropriate clothes please. No jeans.

It has been exactly one year since that day. Sulli is right, it should not matter. It doesn't matter to him, from all those news I've heard of him this year. But for me, he still matters. One year later, it is the same for me...

One year ago

"Yeah?" I asked him again. I tried looking at his eyes, but he averted them. "Yah, Choi Seungcheol!" I grabbed him by his arm. I shouldn't have. He looked at me with cold, emotionless eyes.


"Why are you doing this to me?" my voice broke. I'm so close to crying, which I don't want to do in front of this heartless man who wears the face of the person I love the most.

He looked at me and sighed. "Do I still need to explain? Can't you just live with the fact that I don't want to be with you anymore?"

I swallowed back the bitter taste in my mouth. Who is this person? This is definitely not my Seungcheol. He is never harsh. "Just like that? AT LEAST TELL ME ONE VALID REASON FOR LEAVING ME LIKE THIS!" I'm a little thankful that it's close to midnight and Han River is almost deserted.

He did not even glance at me as he answered, "I don't think I loved you. And it is burdensome for me to pretend I did."

I closed my eyes tightly as I willed my tears to flow back in. But it was to no avail. Tears streamed down my face as I choked out my words.

"You should've told me sooner, before I fell so deeply for you."

It was just the gush of the wind and my silent sobs, no other sounds existed. When I opened my eyes, I saw that he'd left. It was just his retreating figure that I saw last. I sat down the pavement and cried my eyes out.

I never thought I would cry out for someone. But that midnight, I did. I called out for his name. While I expected him to come running back and take everything he said back, he never did.

Present time

Few months after we broke up, I heard news that he went to US to study. After that, nothing else. The next news I've heard about him is his engagement with an heiress. I did not let that news creep in to my heart and break it again.

I dated several guys, but it always end up badly. After a couple more of bad relationship, I stopped trying. I stopped making myself believe that I can find another him. I accepted the fact that I had given my heart fully to one person, and I never took it back. One year later, Choi Seungcheol still has my heart in his hands, even if he isn't aware of it.

My phone rang the alarm. I sighed and went into the bathroom to take a bath. I picked out a black and white cutout dress. Why do we need to meet up at a bar? Sulli is the weirdest party organizer.

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