Chapter 17

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Oh my gosh you guys!! 700+ reads!? I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Haha! Keep up the good work! And, great job with the challenge on the last chapter! Make sure to read the author's note on the bottom so you know the next challenge. Anyways, thank you all so much again for 700+ reads, it REALLY means the world to me :) Enjoy chapter 17 <3


"How did I let this happen? How could I be so stupid!?" Harry shouts, he still has tears streaming down his face. I don't blame him, I could barely handle my mum being gone for good, but now his is being threatened, and it's all because of me. I might be the reason for Anne being gone for good, and the thought makes me want to disappear.

"Harry, none of this is your fault. It's mine." I whisper to him, rubbing his back in soothing circles to help calm him down a little.

"Don't you dare take this out on yourself, Ariel. That's not true and you know it." He says back. He has his head in his large hands and I can hear him letting out soft sobs. I lift my smaller hand up and brush the chocolate brown curls out of his eyes, which makes him look at me. His eyes are red and puffy, tears are still falling freely down his face, and he looks completely torn about the whole situation. I'm feeling the same way, but most likely not as horrible as Harry feels right now.

"What do we do?" I mutter, my brown eyes still glued to his gorgeous face.

"What do you think would happen if we call the police?" The boy next to me questions in a desperate tone.

"I feel like if we call, he'll do something to her," I don't clarify on what that something could be, knowing full well that a lot of things could be done if the police were informed. His eyes widen at my words, and my heart breaks even more at his hopeless expression, "I should just go over there, Harry. It'll save your m-"

"No! Are you crazy!? He could kill you!" He cuts me off.

"Better me than her. Anne wouldn't be with my dad right now if it weren't for me." I choke out, hot tears prickling at my eyes again.

"Listen to me, this is NOT your fault whatsoever. This was all him. Do you understand?" He is gripping my shoulders and shaking me slightly in order to gather my attention, but I feel so dead inside. I've caused this. Of course, I don't tell him that, so I simply nod my head.

"We need to think over what has to be done, but until we figure something out, we can't leave this house. Got it?" Harry orders, raising his eyebrows. I nod again, but I have something else in mind to help get Anne back.

"C-Can we sleep? We've been at this for hours and maybe sleeping will help us think of some sort of plan." I suggest in a shaky voice. Now it's Harry's turn to nod, but he does it reluctantly. Clearly he doesn't like the idea of making his mum wait for so much longer.

"Okay..." We both rise up to our feet and go to bed after kissing each other 'goodnight'. I make my way to Harry's room and slip under the covers to wait until the house is dead silent.

After about twenty minutes, I slip out of bed and change into a black hoody and dark denim skinny jeans and my converse. I glide the thick hood over my head and walk, quietly, out of the bedroom. I listen carefully to make sure Harry is actually sleep, and when I hear soft snores through the door, I make my way downstairs to the front door. I sigh deeply before opening the door and walking out of the house, looking behind me reluctantly before shutting the door silently, and making my way towards my house next door.

My breathing is getting heavy and uneven, my heart seems to be beating a mile a minute, and the palms of my hands are getting moist. Sweaty hands are a sign that I have, meaning I'm nervous. Very nervous. Which is understandable, I am most likely walking to my death. Wouldn't you be scared? Thought so. I wipe my hands on my jeans and continue down the sidewalk in the direction of my nightmare.

I make my way up the front steps until I am about a foot away from the door that leads to a life-or-death situation. I close my eyes tightly and try to think of a better place; next to Harry. Maybe if I picture him next to me whilst this happens, it won't be as bad. Death might even be peaceful. Maybe it'll just slide over me like a blanket, and at least I'll know Anne gets out of this okay.

I take one more deep breath before opening my eyes and the front door. I get goosebumps as the hinges creak with the opening of the door. The house is dark, but I pictured it would be, and I didn't see any lights on from the outside either. I walk inside, going into the living room first. Only to find nothing. No Dad. No Anne. So, I make my way to the kitchen to find the same thing. No one.

I let out a shaky breath that I didn't even know I was holding and take out my phone to look at the picture I was sent of Anne. I look in the background of the picture and notice that the setting seems to be in the garage. I close the picture and lock my phone before slipping my Blackberry back into my pocket. I walk down the hall and face the wooden door that leads to the garage, which always held and antique car that my dad never used. He was always too lazy to work on the engine that had gone out years ago, and I never asked about it because he would only yell at me for "asking him too many questions". I chuckle humorlessly to myself at the thought and walk into the dark garage that smelt like gas and diesel.

I flick the light on and realise that no one is in here either. I raise an eyebrow in curiosity before walking into the small parking area. I look around and something catches my eye.


She's strapped to the same chair as in the picture and she is still gagged, only now her head is on her shoulder as she sleeps uncomfortably. I run over to her not even caring if my dad is here or not, I'm just worried about getting Harry's mum out of this place.

"Anne." I slightly shake the shoulder which doesn't hold her head. Her head snaps up and she tries to jump, although she can't due to the restraint holding her down. I remove the gag from her mouth so she can communicate with me.

"Ariel?" She questions in a sleepy voice blinking rapidly, trying to wake herself up a bit.

"It's me. I'm getting you out of here." I inform her, undoing the rope around her wrists.

"You need to get out of here!" she hisses and I'm a bit taken aback, "Go! Before he sees you!" She orders.

"I'm not leaving you. I got you into this mess and I'm not going anywhere until I get you out." I promise her in a firm voice.

"Are you sure about that?" A deep voice questions, and I freeze. I would never in a million years forget that voice.

"Hi, Dad."


Cliffhanger! Oh no! What do you think is going to happen!? I like this chapter and I really hope you do too! :)

I swear I've watched the BSE music video a gazillion times!! I love it SO much! I fangirl EVERY SINGLE TIME!! AHHH! I know like the entire thing word for word. Seriously. I can't get enough of those boys! What did you guys think of the video!? They even broke the VEVO record at over 10 million views in 24 hours! THAT'S CRAZY! But, very believable ;) COMMENT what you think about BSE! And I know this is a few days late, but HAPPY THREE YEARS BOYS! Congratulations on an entire three years as adored idols! They have inspired me beyond belief to always be myself and not let words of other people get me down. I just want to thank them for being such an inspiration and making me feel like a beautiful person.

And thank you again for the 700+ reads!

I also have a picture of what Harry looks like whilst he's crying over his mum. It breaks my heart when he cries! :'(

So, for this next challenge in order to earn chapter 18, I have decided the goal is:


I won't bother you with comments for awhile :) Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :) I LOVE YOU GUYS!! <3

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