Joey & Cat: Love Line

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•Chapter 1•

"May the odds be ever in your favor, gooooodbye!"

Joey recited as he leaned in to turn off the camera. Like many times before, he and Cat did yet another love tag for their channels.

"In a boba date mood?" Cat asked Joey.

"Uhhhhh.. Sure! I just have to run to the bank first" Joey answered.

"Good deal!" Cat replied smiling.

The two loaded into Satsuki and drove to the nearest bank. Joey got out, leaving Cat in the car. She noticed Joey's phone vibrate in the cup holder.

"Have you asked her yet?" -Luke. Cat read from the passenger seat.

"What?" Cat thought. "Is he talking about me?" "Ask me what?" She thought again. She saw Joey exit the bank and she put his phone back down.

"Ready?!" Joey asked Cat while he was closing his door.

"Ready!" Cat replied quickly. She was nervous about the text she saw, and was biting her lip.

"Aww that's cute." Joey told Cat, noticing her lip biting.

Cat returned her lip quickly, and looked at Joey nervously.

"You okay, hun?" Joey asked.

"Did he just call me hun? What? Oh my gosh he did!" Cat thought to herself. She always had feelings for Joey, and this made all those feelings rush back into thought.

•Chapter 2•

"Yeah I'm fine! I think I'm just lightheaded, I haven't eaten today.." Cat shot back.

"Oh well if you're hungry we can just go to 'The Counter', it's on me" Joey said sympathetically.

"Oh no, you don't have to do that!"

Cat replied.

Joey put his hand in her shoulder and looked into her eyes, Cat had butterflies and she felt weary.

"O-o-okay." Cat said nervously, "lets go."

They drove there in silence.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Joey ordered his usual; Grilled Chicken.

"Ummm... What's good Joey?" Cat asked.

"I'll order for you," he said winking, "go find us some seats, hun.."

"There it was again," Cat thought, "hun."

"Is it some pet name? Does he like me?" Cat pondered.

She picked a table in the far corner of the bistro. She was tweeting her date when she saw Joey walk towards the table with the trays of food. He ordered her the same dish; Grilled Chicken.

"You'll love it, I promise!" Joey told her.

The two went to pick up a salt shaker when their hands met. Cat pulled back quickly but Joey caught her hand. He gave her the salt shaker.

"Not too much, hun." Joey told her.

Cat giggled.

•Chapter 3•

When Joey and Cat finished up their food, they began to get up when they heard a deep rumble outside. It had begun to rain.

"Yikes!" Joey said hesitantly.

"Agreed." Cat said while grabbing her stuff from the table.

The two stood outside under the awning, getting ready to run. Cat was getting ready to make a run for it when Joey grabbed her arm and said, "Here's my jacket." He had begun to pull off his leather jacket; Cat put it over her head. The two walked into the rain: Cat covered by Joey's jacket, and Joey being drenched in the rain. He had his arm around Cat's back so she wouldn't fall. When they reached the car, Joey opened Cat's door to let her in.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2013 ⏰

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