Chapter 3

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—Readers POV—

He sat right beside me, I'm going all fan girl right now. Mike started to teach the class, and after a long time, he finally finished talking. He passed out the homework, which I personally wouldn't do. I looked next to me and saw Levi looking at me. I quickly looked away. Why is he looking at me like that?

—Levi's POV—

I kept looking at her. How am I going to do this? I never asked anyone out before. I looked away, where the hell do I take her? I looked at her, why don't I take her to that teashop I usually go to.

"Hey, Y/n," I said and she looked at me, and some other brats. Strange.

"Huh?" She said.

"Do you want to go get some tea with me after school?" I asked her. Her beautiful e/c eyes are wide open. What am I talking about? Remember Levi what did those vampires do to your comrades, and... my friends.

"Yes, I will love too," she said. I hear some kids say "awww how cute." I glared at those brats. They looked away. How annoying. The bell rang. I don't want to go to four eyes class.

"Y/n, what class are you going to next?" I asked her.

"Hanji's class," she said, good she's going to the same class as me. I grabbed her hand. We walk down the hallway hand in hand.

—Hanji's POV—

Erwin told me Levi was coming to my class today. I saw him walking into my class with Y/n holding hands. They look so cute together, OMG I JUST WANNA HUG THEM BOTH!

"WELCOME TO MY CLASS SHORTY!! I SEE YOU AND Y/N ARE DATING NOW!! YOU TWO LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER!!" I said, Levi sat down, not paying attention to me. I walked up to Y/n

"Hello, Y/n," I said with a big smile.

"Hey Hanji," she said with a close-eye smile. Y/n is my favorite student, and I bet I'm her favorite teacher.

"Hello shorty, I see you're still the same, you haven't grown a bit since I last saw you?" I said. He glared at me, and Y/n giggle a little.

"What the hell do you want four eyes?" Levi asked me.

"I just wanted to say hello to my two favorite students, well I have to teach this class now," I said then walk to the front of the classroom.

"GOOD AFTERNOON CLASS!! TODAY WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT!! HE'S SEATING AT THE BACK WITH Y/N!! HIS NAME IS SHORTY!! I mean Levi, WELL LETS BEGAN CLASS! Today we will continue to learn about, TITANS!" I said. Did I ever tell you how much I love Titans? I love everything about them. I finish talking about the titans. we had time after class to do whatever, so I walked up to Y/n and Levi's desk.

"So how was your first day in my class shorty?" I asked him.

"Boring as hell," he said. that made me sad, my class is not boring. It's fun... right?

"My class is fun just ask Y/n, Y/n is my class fun?" I asked her.

"Yeah, it's pretty fun if you ask me," she said. I knew it that's why you're my favorite. The bell ring, it was time for my two love birds to go. They both got up, Levi was holding Y/n's hands again. They are so perfect for each other.

—3rd persons POV—

Y/n and Levi walked down the hallway, hand in hand. Little did Y/n know, that all Levi wants is for her to say she is the vampire queen. Who knows if Levi has any feelings for Y/n? They both walked into Levi's car. Levi drove her to the tea shop. he opens the door for her, she thanked him. Levi orders two teacups and sat down at a table.

"You know one day I want to meet the vampire queen," Levi said out of nowhere in a calm voice.

"Why do you want to meet her?" Y/n asked him. She wanted to make sure Levi didn't want to kill her, or something like that. Little did she know Levi was recording her. She has too much trust in him.

"I want to ask her a few questions, and hopefully see if she is really beautiful like people say she is, but I can't imagine anyone more beautiful than you," he said. She wanted to tell him she's the vampire queen. She tried to not say it, but she looked in his eye.

"Um... I... I'm the vampire queen," she said in a quiet voice hoping Levi didn't hear her words. Levi is trying to hold his smile in, but it's not that beautiful smile you would think he has. He was hiding that creepy smile, it's that smile he had when he kills the vampires.

"Then let me see your fangs," he said. she showed him it for one second, she hopes Levi didn't see anything. Then the waiter came, and place the tea on the table.

"Is that all you need Levi?" he asked him.

"Yes, that's all," Levi said looking at Y/n. She wishes she kept quiet because now he won't stop looking at her. The waiter left, he felt like it was getting weird. He also thought Levi was a pervert for looking at Y/n like that, but Levi was trying to hold in that creepy smile.

-time skip-

They finally finish the tea. "Let's go, I'll take you home," Levi said. Levi didn't open the door for her, she felt like she did something wrong. She felt like she shouldn't go with Levi, but she did anyway. Levi drove in the opposite direction of her home, and his home.

"Levi where are we going?" She questions him. Levi didn't say anything, but Y/n notice they are going to school. Why school? She was thinking.

hello, you Please tell me what you think about this story and this chapter.
Don't be afraid to comment, I won't bite (anyway I can't).
Well have a good (morning/ afternoon/ night)

—1042 words—

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