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Prologue: where we've been 

 The child looked into the muddy brown eyes for the last time before setting into a blissful slumber, the woman looked over her shoulder to the other child in the basket next to her, the child was in an  deep slumber, the woman hurried to get out of the brisk cold winter weather and under the lamp of the rusted old paint chipped door steps ,she held and placed the new born child into the basket with the other infant pulling her arms from under the child gently, the woman toke one last long glance at them , wondering what fate could possibly be hold of them now , where would life take such innocent souls, would they become greedy and angered  like their father or , gently and carefree like their mother. The woman placed both baskets under the light she placed a sealed envelope with both children , one in red the other in magenta,  she kissed both cheeks of each child and whispered the lyrics of the same lullaby their mother used to sing to them just  a couple of weeks ago. Tears glistened in her eyes , she felt as if a part of her where being ripped out of her soul as if she had uncounted some type of soul reaper separating  from the children. She knocked twice on the large wooden doors, amazed by the engravings on the door, she marvel a little longer then necessary tracing the ancient symbols. Then  suddenly she heard muttering and footsteps coming towards her ,  she kiss each check of both the children wondered off a bit , turned back then dashed  of  , she scurried along the sidewalk  until she completely  disappeared  into the dark cold night .

“Good God who in the right mind is walking around this late at night “? A woman muffed as she came to the door the whiskey still fresh on her breath .  Swinging the large oak doors open she looked into the darkness of the night see nothing but the  dim light coming form the old street lights. Just as she was about to close the doors , a ear priecing cry started  hiddened by the blanket of darkness the woam couldn't idenifty the being . She moved from the doors only to be blinded by the flash of light that stuck her yard , it was for a mere second but it was enough to help her see the basket by her steps. By  the time she reached them it has started pouring both childerend were wailing and the woman feared that the neighbours would surely call the police.

. She carried the children inside , as carefully as her intoxicated mind would allow her to . The house was extremely large , with cravings of symbols covering every inch of the wall, the moon and sun symbols glowed when the childern entered the house. She set them down on the dinning table finally able to take in thier features , they were related to each other for sure , both had remarkable beautifully  dark ebony  silk like hair and unusally pale  skin . Stunned by their beauty it was all the woman could do to keep her self  from touching them , Soaking wet and frozen form the brisk cold winter night the childeren started to cry yet agian , beaking free from their trance  the woman set out  in search for towels and blakents.

After what seemed like and enterenity the child setted down into the corak of the old womans arms . She sat in the woodend roaking chair that she had done so many times before with a set of childern that didn't belong to her . She looked into their rested peacefull face's and wondered what would become of them  would they stray like she once had  once upon a time or remain truthful to their fate and their destiny , their people? Her eyes droppping  gradually the rocking came to a hault and the woman rested her eye lids promising herself that she would wake up  in a moments time .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2011 ⏰

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