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Jiminie: Hey

Jiminie: are you there?

Jiminie: I need help sleeping ugh

Jiminie: but you aren't answering

Swaegmin: dude it's 3 in the morning let me sleep

Jiminie: aw alright ;-;

Swaegmin: great now my mom sees me up and told me to do laundry. Who tf does laundry in the middle of the night.

Jiminie: How old are you?

Swaegmin: 22, I'm about to be 23

Jiminie: Why are you still living with your parents?

Swaegmin: I'm not living with them, they are living with me. I moved here first and they followed cuz "I'm too unresponsible"

Jiminie: I can tell

Swaegmin: bitch, stfu

Jiminie: nah

Jiminie: hello?

Jiminie: are you actually mad?

Jiminie: I'm sorry ;-;

#sleepisforlosers 수면은패자입니다(Yoonmin fanfic)(Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now