Welcome to Phoenix High

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                                                 Aphmau POV

"Aphmau! Time to get up!" I yawned. Today is my first day at Phoenix High.  I don't want to go, but I kind of have to. I get up and get dressed,  wearing a purple crop top, a pair of black jeans, and a pair of purple and black high tops, then pulling my hair up in a high ponytail. I glance at my nails. The polish is chipped and cracked. I'll paint them before I leave. I take out my phone, and text Catherine, my BFF from when I lived in Canada. She doesn't respond, but that's normal. I walk downstairs, my little sister Katy bouncing up and down. "Bye, Mom. I'm off to school." "Bye honey. I work late, so the sitter will be here to watch  Katy." I walk out the door and start walking to school. When I arrive, there's a guy sitting by himself. My heart skips a beat. He's so cute!

                                                                               Aaron POV

The new girl is watching me. I don't really feel comfortable under her gaze, but she's cute. My face starts to turn a bright red color, and so does hers. She walks awkwardly away, and I feel like I should have talked to her. Crap, I thought, I should have showed her around. I hope I get another chance.

Sorry for a short chapter, I'm busy right now. Part 2 will be out tomorrow!!!

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