Chapter 1

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//WARNING: This is a mpreg story so if you do not like that then leave. There might be cussing I didn't check so be warned about that too! That's all!

It all started on a Saturday morning.

Taehyung, or known as V whilst performing, was making breakfast for his boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook.

Taehyung went back to their room to eat breakfast in bed since they had several hours off of dance practice.

Jungkook's sleepy frown brightened as he saw Taehyung, practically gleaming at the older who was carrying a tray with plates and cups.

"Thank you Tae! We rarely get breakfast in bed!" Jungkook chirped as he took a sip of orange juice. Taehyung smiled at the cute boy.

"It's no problem baby! It's a great treat right!" As they conversed back and forth throughout the meal, and always, loving each other's company.

It was soon after the meal that Jungkook's stomach started to churn. And after a kiss from Taehyung's greasy bacon lips that was all.

Jungkook basically flew to the bathroom, barely making to the toilet. He vomited, nose running from the shock. Taehyung showed up moments later, patting Jungkook's back.

"Baby, are you alright?," Taehyung questioned, replacing some hairs that fallen on Jungkook's forehead. "Bad tummy?" To which he reviewed a nod from Jungkook, the latter not trusting his own mouth at the time being. He didn't want to puke on his boyfriend.

"Would you like some water?" Taehyung asked, tone laced with worry. Jungkook nodded, yet again.

"Okay. I'll be back in a minute." Taehyung states as he made his way to kitchen.

Taehyung mind was filled with thoughts. 'Sick? Simple morning sickness? Even the flu?,' Taehyung thought as we got a cold water bottle and brought it to Jungkook, who leaning against the tub, rubbing his tummy.

"Hey," Taehyung said as he passed his boyfriend the bottle, who accepted it graciously, but gulped the water greedily.

"Once your done, come back to bed. Maybe we could cancel the practice today. Does that sound good?" Taehyung asked as he helped Jungkook up from his elbow. Jungkook chuckled at his protective boyfriend.

"I'm fine. I'll just sit down for an hour and then I can dance. I'm fine Tae." Jungkook said as he got out of his pajamas and into more suitable clothes.

Taehyung back hugged Jungkook in between him getting dressed, "Let me know if you want to come back to the dorm alright?" Taehyung whispered sweetly in Jungkook's ear, leaving said boy to blush a bright red. Taehyung chuckled.

"I'm gonna go take a shower. See you in twenty minutes love." Taehyung exclaimed as he walked back to the bathroom, leaving Jungkook in their shared room.

Jungkook turned to see himself in the large mirror they had. He still had no shirt on but turned to the side, surveying his stomach.

It didn't look big, still as flat as ever. There was just a tiny bump but that's probably from breakfast?

Well that couldn't be cause he just puked. Maybe it was binge eating from last night? Most likely.

He sighed heavily and tugged on a wife beater, red flannel, and some black jeans. He brushed his teeth in the bathroom, Taehyung still in the shower. Then combed it a bit but didn't care because it'll be even messier than his typical bed head, especially after dancing the majority of the day.

He walked into the living room and was greeted by his group members.

"Good morning!" Jin said happily, sipping away on some coffee. "Hey Jungkook, I heard you being sick in the restroom? You alright?" He asked, supporting his usual motherly tone. Jungkook nodded, smiling, bunny teeth peeking out. "Yes hyung, I'm alright!"

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