The lights flashed on and off as the 14 year old lay on the cold floor,chained up by the leg.The room was white and cold.She then woke up.....
Then she saw the chain that was in between her and freedom...she struggled with the chain
Ro-chan:Hey-what the....AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!IM LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!
She then noticed a few weapons she could use to break free,she tried to reach but the odds were against her......
Ro-chan:Who's the asshole who put these so far away?!?!?
She the leaned up against the wall.
Ro-chan:I don't like it has very bad heating!
The tv on the wall turned on and there was an odd looking turned its head to Ro-chan in a menacing way .....then crack his neck
Jigsaw:Ah shit..!......Hello.......Ro-chan
Ro-chan:What the fack!?What the hell is that!?what kind of movie is this,must be channel SBS..
Jigsaw:Yo might not know me but......I know you....
Ro-chan:Oh!I think I know you!You sound like batman!
Jigsaw:Im not BAAAATTMAAAANN SSSSSHHHHHHIIIITTT!I-ftcdrjns-I mean uh...I wanna play a game..
Ro-chan:HEY!Then let me go you gay.ugly.lipstick puppet.....I CALL THE POLICE!!!!!!
Jigsaw:SILENCE!!!!!!......I KILL YOU!!!...All your life you've been a menace to society....and a female otaku bitch and its because of these sins!!!.....I have put yo throught this test....
Ro-chan:What sin did I do?What!?
Jigsaw:Your don't update.....ya eat to're a hover...Ummmmmmmmmm...s-so basically...I just don't like you..So on your left you'll find a device with a hammer on it,I made it myself..!pretty've got thirty seconds to or die..raise your voice-I mean..dammit!Make your choice...
The horrifying contraption got closer and closer to Ro-chan.closer and closer it got....she kicked it away cause never trust puppets to make death machines...
Ro-chan:Fuckin' asshole!
Jigsaw then came into the room on his tricycle survived....
Ro-chan:Thank you~!And Nice pyjama bottoms ~!
So Jigsaws danced in his pyjama bottoms and Ro-chan finally went to school,