Ch.12 Do you still love me

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    Includes sex, FYI and Language,
Also a big thank you for this chapter idea Sappho1965 
I walk to my room and fall asleep.
I wake up for school since Christmas break is over. I grab some navy skinny jeans, converse, and a white T-shirt. I put a blue sweater over the shirt. I do my make up, Grab some cigarettes, a lighter.
I ride to school just in time. I don't want to be here right now. Mostly because the person I loved
Still love
Cheated on me. And I don't want to face her. I go to my locker grab my books and binder. I got through my first two periods. Then I go out for a smoke I go around to the teachers parking lot and hide behind the field house. I take a smoke or two and see I yellow sticky note on Chloe's car. I finish my cigarette and head over there.
well there. Seems like "your Chloe" isn't here today. Wonder why? Guess you'll find out tonight.if you watch the news.
That's all the note said. It made me angry, furious. Who would do this? I'm not waiting for tonight. I have to find Chloe. She might be in danger. And that's not the way games are played.

I scan through it trying to figure out the code. I think about the code the Black Knights use.(the gang that is the enemy). You skip every other letter. This code is usually done in drug deals to make sentences without anyone finding out what it says. I read it again.

I space out every other word it reads.
She is been taken Location is 135
Risk your life
If you love her
I put the note back in the car and start crying.
You have no time to cry get up and go!
I get up and run to my car. I drive and speed out of the parking lot. I follow the location of the note.
You should probably let Lee know what's happening. What if you get hurt. Why would you risk your life for the girl who cheated on you?
  I SCREAM into my steering wheel while I'm driving.
No. I'm doing this by my own God damn self for once. I probably got her into this situation and I'm getting her out. I love her no matter what she did, done, or does.
  I arrive at the street and the address. It's an alleyway with an abandoned street. I pull my keys out of the  Ignition and grab a knife in the side pocket of the door. I grab my gun in the glove compartment. I slide the knife in my pocket and my gun is in my hand. I lock the door and put my keys in my other pocket. I walk around the street and finally build up enough courage to go into the building I know she's in.
What are you doing get out of here let her die it's not your gait that she s in this situation
  I stop listening to my Conscience and walk in.
   Suddenly two men push me down. I don't think, I flip back up, slap each of them. They are stunned. I punch them in the gut take their guns and break them in half. I knock them out with a hit on the head and the back.
  -Think I'm playing!

 I yell

Literally, I'm thinking I'm crazy.
  I walk into another room and guns on my head. I stop. And start to laugh.
I turn around to see a Chinese man wide eyed looking at me.
   "I will pull the trigger" he shouts sternly!
   I start to laugh sarcastically.
-You seriously think that I'm scared of a gun... I wouldn't be here if I wasn't going to risk my life. I laugh at him again.
He looks at me like I'm crazy
-Besides your bullets are on the floor anyway.

I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

  He instantly looks down.
SMASH! I hit him on the back of my head and he was out.

 I mumble,

-who falls for that trick it's the oldest one in the book.

 I laugh. I start walking up some stairs and hear things rolling down them.

  They are bowling balls, I dodge them easily.
  Spppppssss! I hear.
I make my way up the-the top of the stairs. Tacks, nails are everywhere.
   -You think nails are worst then hell!

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