Why you suck

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No hard feelings! It's nothing personal!

Aries~ You act like you know everything when you don't. All you do is criticize people, and all it's doing is putting yourself down further.

Taurus~ All you do is complain. You may be oblivious to it, but complaints are always coming from you. It kills the mood as well as everyone's optimism.

Gemini~ You think lying is okay and can be justified, but it's not. Don't make up stories about yourself, don't come up with little white lies. Learn to be truthful.

Cancer~ You put words into other people's mouths to give yourself pity. Stop blaming it on everyone else and start realizing that this is your fault for once.

Leo~ Your ego will not shrink. If you're wrong, admit it. If you know your flaws, explain them. You're far from perfect dear, it's about time to stop acting so narcissistic.

Virgo~ You don't know what you want from people. Stop taking advantage from everybody, you're just messing them up emotionally.

Libra~ You are not misunderstood, you are confusing. Nobody can understand you if you act one way around somebody and another way around somebody else.

Scorpio~ You don't listen! Maybe the answers to your problems will be found if you actually listen to people for once.

Sagittarius~ You are blindly optimistic and irresponsible. People don't trust you because they know you don't keep your word.

Capricorn~ You are extremely judgement, whether you realize it or not. See your own flaws before you pick everyone else's out.

Aquarius~ You don't need everyone to agree with you. Just because someone has a different opinion than you doesn't mean you're better than them.

Pisces~ You're not different, you're critical. Stop pretending you care about other people's diversity if you don't appreciate it.

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