Talon & The Dragon

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Talon was a young adventurer. He was strong, and a good swordsman. His mother had named him "Talon" after the claws of an eagle. One day, Talon arrived in the City of Nightingale. The town was in poverty. Even the king's castle was broken and battered. "Why are these people so poor?" Talon asked himself. Finally he decided to stop asking himself and start asking around. Talon approached a shopkeeper in the market place. "Tell me, but why is your town so poor?" Talon asked the shopkeeper. "It is the dragon" the shopkeeper said. "Every week he flies down from his mountain and demands we give him all of the gold and jewels we dig up from the mines. He also demands food from us. He says it is payment for his allowing us to live".

Talon thought for a moment. "Why has your king not tried to stop him?" Talon asked. Talon had a problem with weak, selfish, or foolish rulers. "Oh, but he has". The shopkeeper said in the king's defense. "Our king has sent out knights a plenty, and has even tried to kill the beast himself. But we fear none can defeat the dragon."

Talon though a moment more. Finally he told the shopkeeper what he would do. "Go and tell your king that I will wait until the dragon comes for his payment, then I will slay him, here in the city." The shopkeeper did as he was told, and ran up the hill to Castle Nightingale.

Talon sharpened his sword, and waited a weeks time. Sure enough, the dragon came, breathing fire in the sky. Once the dragon landed, it raised it's head up and roared. "Where are the men and women?" the dragon asked. "Why do they not come out of their homes and lay their payment at my feet?" Talon stepped up to the dragon. "I have told them to stay inside and watch, for I have come to slay you" Talon said, brandishing his sword.

"You little fool." The dragon said. "You think you can stand against me?" And with that the dragon bit at Talon with his great head. Talon dashed to the side, stabbing his blade into the dragon's neck. The dragon reared, and roared in anger. The dragon flapped it's wings and flew up into the air. Talon held onto his sword, which was still lodged in the dragons neck. He tried to climb on to the dragon's back, but twice he missed and almost fell off.

Finally, Talon climbed onto the dragon's back and pulled his sword out of it's neck. The dragon was still flying around outside of the town, roaring and breathing fire in the sky. Talon carefully climbed up to the dragon's head and held his sword, blade pointed downward, above his head. "Die foul worm!" Talon yelled in triumph, and stabbed the blade into the dragon's head. The dragon roared so loudly, the very ground shook. The beast fell from sky and landed with a boom that could have deafened thunder. The dragon raised it's great head and roared one last time, breathing fire in all directions. It then lay it's head down and died. Talon stood on the back of the dragon and held up his sword, coated with the dragon's blood. As Talon made his way back to Nightingale, he could hear the cheers from the people.

A week passed, and Talon was still in Nightingale helping the townspeople get the last of the treasure that the dragon had stolen from them. The king, who was also helping approached the young adventurer. "Talon, your deed shall not go unrewarded. We are all in agreement that your reward shall be gold. Since you helped us reclaim our wealth, you should take as much of it as you can carry. Talon bowed before the king. "Thank you my lord" Talon said gratefully. The town built a statue in Talon's honor. It depicted him standing over the body of a great winged lizard, holding his sword high in the air. Long after Talon had passed, the townspeople still told stories of Talon, Slayer of the Great Dragon.   

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