Smut- Tadashi x Reader

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Starting off strong with a smut! Can't promise it'll be good! But here goes!

You were watching the guys volleyball team practice because your older brother, Tanaka, is on the team and you two spend a lot of time together.

You knew all of the players personally, except the first years. Practice was almost over, all they had to do was clean up, you always help clean up. You enjoyed helping a lot.

"Onee-san! You ready to go home? I need your help on some stuff and it might take a while, can we head home sooon?" You asked sweetly as you ran over to him. You gave him a hug after you asked him.
He looked at Daichi basically asking if he could leave early and Daichi nodded and chuckled. Tanaka looked down at you, nodded and grinned. You hugged him tightly and ran over and grabbed your bag.

"Thank you, Dai-san!" You smiled and gave him a hug and he hugged back.

After Tanaka got changed back into his school uniform and went back into the gym to get you, you bowed to the team and said "Thank you for having me again! It was fun, as always!" You walked over to Tanaka and hugged his arm as you teo left the gym.

"Is that Tanaka's girlfriend?" Hinata asked, looking at Sugawara a bit confused.

"That's his younger sister. She's 17 and a second year. So she is your senpai." Suga explained with a smile

"Ooooh!!! She's really pretty and she doesn't really look like him at all" Hinata laughed and smiled.

----the next day at your house/Saturday----

You were in the shower when you heard your brother get home. You finished showering and stepped out and wrapped a towel around yourself. You ran out to greet your brother and you gave him a big hug and said "Welcome home Onee-san!" you realized your towel fell off when you hugged your brother and you blushed.

"You lost your towel, (Y/N)-chan!" Tanaka said and laughed at your face. You shoved your face into his chest. You said something but it was muffled.

"What was that?" Tanaka asked.

"I'm not moving! Why did you bring people over?" you looked at him and you were tearing up a little because of embarrassment.
Tanaka looked over at the guys he brought, it was the first years, Daichi, and Suga. The first years were all blushing madly and looking away. Tadashi Yamuguchi, Kageyama Tobio, and Hinata Shoyo all had nosebleeds.
Suga handed you your towel, you wrapped it around yourself instantly and ran towards the bathroom quickly.

"Sorry about that," Tanaka laughed, "She always greets me by hugging me, usually she has clothes on when she does it though."
Hinata, Kageyama, and Tadashi all wiped their noses quickly. Tanaka laughed very hard.

After you got dressed and all, you walked out and your brother said that the guys were staying the night and at least one would have to share a room with you.

----that night----
You got into (your fave pj's) and laid in bed. Tadashi walked into your room and began to speak "Do you mind if I sleep in here with you? Tsukki is sleeping in a seperate room with Hinata and Kageyama. There is no more room for me other than in here." He was speaking quietly.

"I dont have anything to lay on the floor for you to sleep on," you scooted over and smiled, "So you can sleep with me!"
He climbed in your bed, blushing madly. You laid back and closed your eyes.

----Around 2 am----
You woke up to go to the bathroom. Ypu felt a pair of arms wrapped tightly around you.
You glared at Tadashi. "Tada-chan! Wake up! You're squeezing me and I have to pee!" you kept yelling at him and squirming but he kept tightening his squeeze.
You stopped squirming and sighed "It's hopeless to fight it," you laod back down and tried to go back to sleep.
You started to doze off when you felt a hand on your breast. You opened your eyes quickly when he started to massage it. You covered your mouth in an attempt to keep your soft moans to yourself.

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