Chapter 1

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The girl in the picture is Fawn

Hi I'm Fawn Fan. I'm pretty well known in Xing because being a thief gets you to be famous. One day I was stalking a guy planning on pick pocketing him for money when I got caught "SCARLET FLAME! SCARLET FLAME IS TRYING TO STEAL FROM ME!" I stood up and ran from the man, my red hair blowing behind me. Before long I reached a sewer system and crawled inside. "How disappointing I've been stealing things for years and I couldn't even get money today." I grumbled walking further inside.

It took some time but I finally came across a quiet area to come out of. I got out of the sewer and I was right in front of my house. "Lan I'm home." "Finally I got a report that you tried to steal from a man. Can't believe you got caught Fawn. Haha it's hilarious." I tried to ignore the last part but it was hard to when she was howling with laughter!

"Anyway the young Lord would like to have a word with you tomorrow." "Which one there's like 12 of them?" "The twelfth." I mumbled an ok and went off to take a shower. Once I came out of the bathroom I passed out right in the doorway to my room.

*time skip*

I was now in a large room with Lan, my grandpa Fu, and the twelfth son Ling Yao. Since my hair got dried (and I didn't have enough time to tie it thanks to Lan who dragged me out of the house) it curled at the tips upward and Ling stared at it like he was in a trance. Fu cleared his throat and Lan put her hand on Ling's shoulder. "Oh right Fawn Fan I would personally like for you to be one of my bodyguards like Lan and Fu is." "Ok." I tried to stand but Lan flew a knife barely skimming my ear and going into the wall.

My jaw hit the floor as she said "you may not leave until the young Lord says." I growled at her but reluctantly sat down. "Haha you should've been named Wolf instead." "Oh haha did Lan tell you that joke?"

Ling's P.O.V

I stared at the girl she wasn't like most Xingese. Well for one her hair was red instead of black and her eyes are orange instead of gray. I guess I was staring for too long because she sighed "Why don't you take a picture it'll last longer." Lan went wide eyed and Fu was trying not to laugh. "My my you're kinda rude aren't you." "Kinda? KINDA?! I COULD RIP YOUR LEGS OFF AND NOT CARE!" "Fawn we are going soon to find immortality do you want to come with us?" "Of course we're twins where you go I go too." She flashed a smile at her sister 'she's hot when she smiles.'

*time skip* Fawn's P.O.V

I got separated from Ling, Fu, and Lan and now I'm in an abandoned cabin. I was about to go to sleep when I heard shouting and crying coming from out side. I scooted into a corner and brought a couple knives out ready to shoot. As I was winding my arm about to throw a bunch of people came in with someone in their arms. The people included a guy with long black hair, a suit of armour, a boy with blonde hair, May Chang, a guy with white gloves and black hair, and a girl with blonde hair carrying a fat guy with stubby legs. "Lan? Lan! Stay with us Lan!" Wait Lan? As in my Lan?

I scooted closer and saw my sister lying there with her arm cut off. "LAN!" I jumped to her side and growled at the people to back off "you touch my sister and I cut your fingers off." "Fawn we are trying her." I looked at Ling and reluctantly put my knives down and backed off. I walked outside and saw the girl with blonde hair looking at the stars "hi what's your name?" "I'm Riza Hawkeye." "Can I just call you Hawkeye?"

"Sure what about you?" "I'm Fawn but everyone calls me Scarlet or Scarlet Flame." "Why do they call you that?" "Because I'm a thief and it's...kinda like a stage name?" We stopped talking and just watched the stars. All too soon a huge hole was blown through the wall. "HEY I LIVE HERE YA KNOW!" Ugh great now it's cold. My life is just perfect.

The thing that caused the hole was towering over me. It was a homunculus with teeth coming from his mouth to his stomach(?) and a huge eye in the middle. It gave me the creeps. "LING! MIDGET AND ARMOUR ARE YOU READY TO FIGHT?" An assortment of "yeah" "yes" and "DON'T CALL ME SMALL!" answered her so she flung a knife into it's eye and dug it all the way to the hilt before dragging it down creating a long slash.

The thing kept murmuring "Mustang killed her. He killed my Lust!" Now I had no idea who this Lust is but I can tell this thing is out for vengeance "Whoever's name is Mustang you better leave are this thing will kill or hurt you." I heard a male shouting so I guess he heard me, the shouting got louder while I threw knife after knife until BOOM the thing and my hand got lit on fire.

"Hey watch it I'm still fighting and I would appreciate not being burned to death!" "I felt two arms drag me away from the fight while Mustang kept lighting it on fire. "Fawn calm down it's just me. I didn't want you to get hurt." My heart started pounding in my chest like it was a drum or something. Gosh I hope he can't hear it.

I saw a dog talking?! "Stop it now Gluttony!" "Ling am I going insane?" "No that's a homunculus that can change shape." "Oh okay I'm going to sleep now. Once all the fighting is done can you put me in my house."

Ling's P.O.V

I looked down at Fawn slightly snoring in my arms with her hair not tied back and flowing in the slight breeze. "LING WE NEED YOUR HELP!" Dammit Ed, I put Fawn inside the cabin like she asked and ran to go help Ed. But while I was going I got swallowed up by Gluttony along with a screaming Ed.

Please comment on what I should do in the next chapter

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