VDS - Prologue

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  It's the perfect plan! A great way to see what everyone is hiding. Francis, you have really outdone yourself! How have I never thought of this?
  Valentines' Day is right around the corner, and this year, Francis Bonnefoy isn't going to spend it "flirting" with that sorry excuse for a Brit, Arthur. No, this year is different. He's going to spend this year's Valentine's day throwing a party.
  But not just any party... It's a trick, a plan, a scheme. A brilliant one, really. Days, months, and years of day dreaming and match making could be over if this party went well.
  Francis went right to work on the invitations. The papers we're pink and he managed to find some blue envelopes. He made sure he used the most Valentiney writing he could make. Cursive letters so smooth and beautiful, it was like they we're written by a computer instead of by hand. Each lowercase "I" had a heart above it. The end marks had hearts as well. Francis also added doodles around the paper.
  He didn't want to copy them, because he wanted each of his friends to have a different one. Alfred's had stars and Teddy Bears all over the paper, Ivan's had sunflowers and glowing hearts, the Vargas brothers' had chocolate boxes and cute cartoon couples, etc.
  When Francis was done, it was nearly 7:00 and his hand was aching. He sealed the invitations in their envelopes and set them next to his suit that he'd be wearing tomorrow at the meeting so he wouldn't forget to hand them out. This was possibly the greatest idea he's ever had!
  Too excited to sleep, Francis picked up his beautiful cat and brushed the long, gorgeous fur belonging to it. He didn't decide to go to bed until around 9:30, but even then, all the matches he's ever thought of flowed through his head, not letting him fall asleep without picturing how the party would go.

  February 14th took nearly a century to come, but it finally did. Francis' house was decorated in pink, purple, and red. The entire house just screamed "sweet." There was a sweet aura, aroma, sound, and host. It was a  better party than any of Alfred's Valentine's Day parties.
  All of Francis' friends we're there, having a good time, not knowing that he was about to announce something... interesting.
  Francis cleared his throat and asked for everyone's attention, to which he received. Eyes we're locked and him and him only. It was hard for him to refrain from bursting in a squeal, similar to a Directioner at a 1D concert.
  Francis looked into the eyes of his friends and said, "Okay, everyone. Time for a... game."
  "Yay! I love games!" Alfred exclaimed.
  Arthur took a step away from his loud friend with a disgusted look. He looked up at Francis with the same look and said, " What kind of game, exactly? Knowing you it can't be good."
  "No, no, no, you've got it wrong. It's a wonderful game! Well... for me, at least," Francis said with a smirk.
  Arthur scoffed. "You bloody wine-head! No one is going to play your game!"
  Alfred jumped up and down. Excitedly, he said, "I will Francis! Arthur will too, he's just being a little bratty right now. He'll definitely play!"
  "No I won't! Wait, did you just call me a brat? You called me a brat! Why I oughta!" Arthur went to smack Alfred but was stopped by Ivan grabbing his wrist.
  "How about we let our friend finish, da?" Ivan asked with his scary-sweet smile. Arthur gulped and nodded while Alfred awaited the name of the game he would be participating in.
  Francis smiled and continued, "Merci, Ivan. So, this game is... ah, how should I put this? In this game, I will ask some of you to come with me and I will explain what you will have to do. So really, all you have to do is continue on with the party and when I pull you aside, I will tell you what this game is about. Okay?"
  Everyone nodded. "Good," Francis said, "Now you may carry on for now."
  It is a perfect idea... and no one suspects a thing...

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