Chapter 2: Day 43

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"It must have been at least eight 'o clock when I woke up this morning, I ate some canned corn and noticed clouds in the distance. Rain is coming, so I put buckets on my roof and gutters to catch the rain water. Also there is smoke rising from a lumber yard just a mile down the road, I'm debating on whether or not to head down there and see what is going on with it, because a fire in a lumber yard is not good."

As I silence the radio, I let down the chain ladder and climb down. I head into the main room where all my building equipment is and I start to re-fortify my home after some Infected tried to get inside. Nails, I need nails, so I go to my room and grab the machete, my pistol and a few rounds. I carefully step outside, lock my front door and listen for a second; I can hear just a few Infected nearby but too far to be a threat. I pull out my machete, put my gun away and walk carefully into the street, ducking behind cares and other objects along the road, I see a small moving truck just 50 feet away, my curiosity did NOT get the better of me and I moved on to the Lowes about a half mile away.

"fourteen inside and six outside, I might be able to take most of them out but the nails are on the opposite side and I can't risk going in through the front in case there is raiders, infected or a bunch of doucebags waiting for a single 21 year old girl to walk up to them." I think. I see what I need in the back of a pickup not too far from me in the second row of cars, "most of the area has been scavenged already but they didn't think to take screws and nails? Dumb basterds" I think again. As I get back onto my street, I hear what sounds like a truck honking its horn, I can't see it but I run to my house, get inside and go to my room, pull up the ladder and sit on my window sill. Then I see it a red ford driving insanely down the road, crashing into stuff and backing up into other crap in the road, the car is surrounded by Infected and there's a guy inside trying to get them off, I see I have a rifle and some ammo for it.

After the gun is full, I start to shoot at each infected on this guy's car, after seven or eight headshots, I feel pretty good, so I go and check out the car with my machete and small nine mill pistol. I get to the car and look inside, blood stained rags and antibiotics are scattered everywhere inside, then I look at the man. With one shot I ended his suffering, I knew he was bitten, I also knew he would have turned soon anyway he was at hour sixteen or twenty. This virus takes twenty-four hours to take full effect, that's when they turn, and there is no cure. How sad, I take the antibiotics and any clean rags out of the truck, and I spot a cooler just behind the driver side seat, I open it and to my surprise, its full of salmon, bass and so much ice and water, I almost squealed in excitement, so I put everything in the cooler and take the cooler inside, it's about four-thirty-six and still a few hours of daylight left. I get the screws, nails and boards and fortify my house for the night, afterwards, I sit on my roof and watch the infected until they got bored of the fresh carcass in the truck, I felt a raindrop on my foot, and I look up and see a dark and stormy cloud. I smiled at the sight and quickly head inside so I won't get wet.

"Thank the lord for the rain" I say on the CB radio "Hopefully your buckets are out and your collecting wonderful rain water." My voice trails off, "Sucks the government didn't expect this to come so early. Well goodnight everyone, I'm out". I turn off the radio and head downstairs to my fireplace. I light up a roaring fire and find a bottle of Jack Daniels in the cooler, I pop the top off and drink a quarter of it almost instantly. It's at least midnight and the bottle is empty, I pull out a worn photo of my family from long ago, and I remember what it was like before first impact.

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