Chapter 1

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 Tall trees. Darkening, the lush evergreens growing menacing in the evening light.  Will stood glaring at them, wondering if perhaps, by staring until the sun disappeared completely behind them, something strange or at the very least different, would happen. 

Could something happen? Was it possible that even in his seclusion an adventure or possibility could be found. Even if it meant looking for danger. He knew that by going out at this time he could be at risk of being attacked, after all, living on the edge of town near an area largely populated by animals like bears, bobcats and wolves was rather risky. Still, he could handle that perhaps. He knew what his own capabilities were and the prospect of change was in the air. Of course his second nature could come into play at any second, knowing he wouldn't be able to control it for some time.

He wrapped his fingers around the totem resting on his chest, the small, bear shaped pendant reminding him of what he was and what would happen in months to follow. It was normal. He knew that now at least, after distancing himself for years at a time, that when it did happen, he would be alone and no one would get hurt. He would never allow himself to put another person in danger. Not any normal or sane person at least.

After a moments hesitation he found himself leaving,  disappearing through the trees at which he'd been staring only moments ago. Around him the trees spanned outward, reminding him just how vast the grand expanse in which many strange creatures lay actually.  With each step he took, the crackle of dry leaves echoed in the silence around him, underlining the fact that soon, the world around him would be covered in a fine, powdery white blanket of snow. 

Gradually the trees around him began thinning as he made his way into a small clearing. As if in an instant he could feel that something wasn't right. Despite the chill of the Autumn evening, it felt as if the air in the clearing had been sucked out of it, the  sharp and metallic smell of blood in the air. This made him circle the area with his eyes, searching for any abnormality that could be affecting the usual peaceful nature of the forest. Tufts of silvery grey fur catch his eye from across the small, grassy area and he's walking toward it in a flash, barely giving caution a second glance.

 Amongst the small, dying leaves and deadened, yellowing grass a small, silvery grey rabbit is nestled. He crouches down next to the creature. Its shaken, looking at him with frightened eyes which seem too human for such a creature. The coppery smell hits him again and he realises there's a deep wound on the rabbit's leg. Its matted the fur and hard to tell if the poor creature is still bleeding. 

Without hesitation he scoops the small animal up from the ground, cradling it gently. "Looks like I'll have to take you home and fix you up, save you from all those predators." 

As  if on cue a loud howl resounds through the air, making Will's blood run cold as he starts running through the trees. His heartbeat is thudding in his ears as the trees pass him by in a blur of browns and greys. The light in the sky was rapidly fading, twilight setting in and the shadows around him extending and distorting in a rather disturbing manner. 

Damn it, almost there.

The trees began thinning again and the house was finally in view, the sound of paws hitting the ground behind him were still there, but far quieter than they had been. Will however wasted no time as he  quickly made his way inside, the rabbit still clutched tightly to his chest. Latching the door  and shutting the windows in a hurry he sets the rabbit down on a blanket, switching on lights throughout the house as he made his way to the medicine cabinet. 

On returning to the living room the rabbit was nowhere to be found, but a trail of blood and small paw prints trailing through the hallway. Following them, Will stops at the bathroom, the door shut. A sliver of  surprise shoots through him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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