He's With Me

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By: Phyllis I. Martin

   Storm clouds and strong gusts of wind had had come up suddenly over Columbus, Ohio. The Alpine Elementary School radio blared tornado warnings. It was too dangerous to send the children home. Instead,they were taken to the basement, where the children huddled together in fear.
    The teachers were worried too. To help case the tension the principal suggested a sing-along. But the voices were weak and unenthusiastic. Child after child began to cry--we could not calm them.
    Then a teacher, whose faith seemed equal to any emergency, whispered to the child closest to her, " Aren't you forgetting something, Kathie? there is a power greater than the storm  that will protect us. Just day to yourself, "God is with me now" then pass the words on to the child next to you".
    As these words were whispered from child to child, a sense of peace settled over the group. I could hear the wind outside , blowing with the same ferocity as before, but it didn't seemed to matter.
    Inside, fears subsided and tears faded away.
    When the all-clear signal came over to the radio, students and staff return to their classrooms.
    Through the years I remembered those calming words. In times of street and trouble, I have been able to find release or tension by repeating "God is with me now".

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