Chapter 17

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--Chapter 17--

I told my mom that I wasn't hungry for dinner tonight, because we had already ate at the mall just an hour earlier. Yesterday after I came back from the gathering, consisted of the whole night sleeping really uncomfortable for some reason; I barely got any sleep.

Right now I was driving searchingly around Vobury abbey. I took a look at the lakeside, witnessing the trash, bottles, and cans that were scattered throughout the area. No one really thought of cleaning it up- just like every other month; which was totally expected this time too. It was such a big mess that no one would even consider spending their Saturday cleaning it. But of course, it would get cleaned up eventually.

I wasn't looking for anything at Vobury Abbey. I was actually trying to find Harry's house so I can return his coat that I forgot to give back last night.

I drove down the street, spotting the one house that actually was nearby Vobury abbey. It wasn't that hard to find his house. He had told me that he lived on this road, and seemingly, there was only one house.

I parked in front of the large house as I began to acknowledge the peacefulness on his property. There were two cars outside on his driveway- one being his, so I knew this was definitely his house.

I rang the doorbell while looking around at the tallness of his house. The windows were much bigger than the ones at my house, but they were draped with dark curtains from the inside. The door was also very tall, just a couple feet taller than ours. It almost seemed like no one was home from the tranquil state. If I hadn't already saw the vehicles outside the house, I would've already guessed that no one was home.

The door opened smoothly to a guy's face that I hadn't came to know of; it was certainly not Harry or Aiden. "Hi there," He smiled pleasingly. I already knew he would be the flirtatious type. "It seems like you've forgot the pizza, love."

I furrowed my eyebrows, not knowing what he meant until I caught on. "I'm not the pizza delivery person." I laughed.

"Oh, I knew it." He sounded relieved to find out that I wasn't delivering his pizza. "There are rarely any pizza girls; I secretly hoped that you were just a random pretty girl appearing at the doorstep."

I smiled at him. "Is Harry here?"

He must be Harry's friend from California. I figured that when I heard Harry's voice call out from behind the boy. "Melissa," he approached me at the doorway.

"I call dibs, mate." Harry's friend spoke, causing me to blush as Harry moved past him and told him to take a hike.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked me at the doorframe when the boy left. Harry almost seemed uncomfortable.

"Um, well, I forgot to give you your coat back," I rose his black coat in front of him as he took it.

"Thank you." I saw him gulp, swallowing down the lump of sudden nerves in his throat and widening the large heavy door. "Do you want to come in?"

I nodded as I entered and heard him close the loud door behind me. I stepped further in, sighting the polished marble floor and the paintings that were hung up on the walls. I took in the fragrance; it smelled like scented candles. I realized this house was very big for only being one story. The ceiling was towering high, with a glass chandeliers hanging over the dining table and in the middle of the living room.

It was warm in here, I liked it. The house reminded me of a modern castle. The walls were painted maroon and the sofas were a brown leather. It was so well decorated; which I'd guess Jade had done. Since she was the only girl that lived here, I think.

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