Supernatural prefrence 1 - How you met

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You were a hunter, in fact you were a pretty amazing hunter. You had bumped into one of the Winchester boys,Sam, you had yet to meet the other. You where walking across a parking lot when you saw a familiar tall brown haired man.
"Sam? Sam Winchester." You shouted and then man turned around.
"No way! (Y/n)!" He ran over to you picked you up and squeezed you tight.
"(Y/n) it's been way too long how you been?" Sam asked.
"I'm good! What about you?"
"We've been good"
"We've?" You asked.
"Sammy! Who you talking to?" A very handsome man walked around the car.
"Woah!" He said " hi I'm Dean. Dean Winchester." He said extending his hand.
"(Y/n). (Y/n) (y/l/n). Nice to meet you Dean I've heard about you." You shook his hand.
"What about we grab a drink later or whenever?" He said.
"Yeah maybe. Catch you later Sam. Bye Dean!" You threw a wink at Dean and walked away. Not before you heard Sam say
"dude your whipped!"
To which Dean replied "shut up Sammy"

You were in the library you had a ton of homework you had to do and obviously being you, you left it till the last minute. You tried getting a book off the top shelf and you couldn't reach and you ended up knocking a lot of books on to you, and you dropped to the ground.
"For godsake. Again. Really" you mumbled.
"I'm excuse me miss would you like some help?" You looked up to see a very tall and very good looking guy offering you help.
"Sure. Thank you!" He pulled you up and helped you pick up the books and put them back.
"No problem. I'm Sam."
"Would you like to grab a coffee with me I know this really good place down the street?" He asked.
"Yeah sure lemme just check these out then let's go" You said.

You've been living and hunting with the boys for about 2 years now and you've never met their little angel friend Castiel. But you've sure heard a lot about him. You really wanted to meet him so you prayed.
"Dear Castiel I'm one of the Winchesters friends and I've heard lotts about you and I'd like to meet you if that's no trouble."
You heard a swooshing sound behind you you spin around to see a blue eyed man.
"Hi you must be Castiel! I'm ..."
"(Y/n) yes I've heard a lot about you." He cut you off politely.
"I was wondering if you'd like to take a walk with me around a park not far from here to get to know one another?" You asked.
"That would be great (y/n) let's go!" He placed two fingers in your forehead and zapped you out of the bunker.

Hey to anyone reading this I have a few things to say.
1•I am so sorry for my grammar, spelling, punctuation I'm not good at that kinda stuff
2• Thank you for reading it sorry if it's terrible
3• Last one sorry if they don't make much sense it's quiet late where I am rn ( it's 2:27 as I'm writing this)
But anyways have a great day evening bye

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