Chapter Fifteen World War II

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Gun fire echo's over head, "Pierce, it's your call what do we do? We are out gunned and out maned! We can't win!" I grab the man by the shoulder,

"Listen Private, everyone here is under my protection, my job is to get you and the others out safely, if you freak out one more time I'll just put a bullet in you myself, save the Japs the trouble." I let him go and face the group of ten men, "Here's the plan, first, give me the remaining explosives, I'll plant them. You all will stay here, I'll draw their attention, once you hear the explosions run to base, Lieutenant Kelvin, once I leave this basement you are in charge, so do what's right, protect your brothers and forget about me!" They look at each other as I pack the explosives in a duffle bag,

"Sir, we aren't letting you go alone." I ignore him, "Colonel Pierce, you aren't going alone!" I shoot him a deadly glare, he takes a shaky step back,

"Listen to me kid, this is the only way no matter what you think, you'd die a fool with a hero's shattered pride if you decide to join my side." He backs up, "You are in charge now, once the explosions happen, wait two minutes then head back to camp. Got it?" Everyone,

"YES SIR!" I close the bag and swing it on my back, I grab my M1 carbine, strap my .45 Reising submachine gun over my shoulder, I check my Smith & Wesson SW Model 10 revolver and put it back in its holster, I walk to the stairs and climb up. I kick open the door, I shut it behind me. I run out of the building, I hear it all, the barking of orders from Japanese commanders, the continuous gun fire all around, exploding grenades, tank fire, fighter jets flying over head. I lift my eye patch, I throw off my helmet, I scan the area, my eye glows orange, I see no signs of life, I look on the ground on the west side of the building, tank tracks and footprints heading south, I run to the east side, the same tracks but heading north,

'We're right in the middle of a supply route... Guess I should wait for the next supply run.'

I run into a small alleyway and wait, I wait for 30 minutes, I hear a truck approaching going north to the closest Japanese encampment. The truck pulls up in front of the alleyway, soldiers exit from the back and head for the building with my squad in it, I jump onto the truck and rip the driver out and snap his neck, I turn off the communication radio. I walk behind the group of Japanese forces, they approach the basement door, I hold my .45 Reising SMG aiming down the iron sights, I open fire on the group, taking their lives quickly. I put the eye patch back over my eye, I go to the door and open it, "Lieutenant Kelvin, bring the men up here!" They come up as I drag the bodies away from the door, "There's a truck on the east side of the building, take it back to base, it has a radio, contact command and inform them of the situation." Lieutenant Kelvin nods,

"Alright men you heard him, let's move out to that truck, Colonel Pierce, you'd better come back alive." I smirk,

"No promises kid, now go." He runs out to the others, they take the truck and head south, I head north sticking to the shadows, nightfall comes, making my trip easy, I reach the encampment within a few hours, search lights scan the darkness, I stay out of range, taking cover in a broken down building,

'Damn encampment my ass, this place is a fortress. Fucking never get the full details these days.' I sigh, 'I need a plan, I can't shoot the lights, I'll be destroyed by MG fire immediately, maybe that.... No it'll never work, I need to get those documents, any high alerts they'll burn all information, leaving my mission a failure.'

I feel a shift in the air, I lift my eye patch quickly scanning the area around me, a man forms from the darkness, I point my SMG at him quickly, "Who are you?" I ask quietly, the man puts his hands up slowly,

"Easy man, I'm on your side, put the gun down and we'll talk." He approaches slowly, I hesitantly lower my gun,

"Name and rank. Now." The man stops,

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