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So a bunch of short stories for Ash and TheDerpQueen 's Summer

These are gunna be cute then I think I'll do sad ones next part or something
Or both here not sure

Oh and they're all in Ash's POV


It was the middle of the night, and I was still awake. I could hear her soft snores as she was asleep beside me.

About an hour passed. I was still awake.

It wasn't that I couldn't sleep, I just didn't want to.

Five minutes later, she moved a bit and woke up.

"Summer.?" I whispered. She turned to me.

"Why are you still awake..?" She mumbled.

I gave a small shrug before yawning, "You know that moment when your life is so good when you're awake that it can't possibly be better than dreams..? So you just can't sleep..?"

Her face turned red as she processed my words.

"You make me feel like that, so happy that I don't want to sleep.." I mumbled before kissing her cheek.

Before we knew it, though, we were both asleep in each other's arms.


I'd just started dating Summer, and we were hanging out more often.

But one time, it came into our minds that we hadn't had our first kiss yet.

Neither of us had the nerve to talk about it or to say anything, but there was a long and awkward moment of just sitting there in silence.

When suddenly she gave a little gasp and pointed to my face, "Ash!" She exclaimed.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" I asked, feeling my face to make sure it was all okay.

"There's just something on your face.." she mumbled.

"What is i-" I started to ask, but I was cut off when she gave me a quick kiss.

When I looked at her again, her face was red like a ripe tomato.

"It was me.." She said quietly.


She knew I was bad at cooking, yet she let me help her anyways. We were both in the kitchen, listening to music while making dinner.

It was going to end terribly anyways, but to make it worse Summer's favourite song suddenly came on. I watched, laughing softly as she started to dance to it, singing along.

I tried to keep making the food after a moment of watching her, but as I did she just pulled on my arm and soon enough not only was I covered in the sugar that had been knocked over but I was also dancing with her.

Before I knew it, though, I was enjoying myself so much dancing with her that I didn't notice the smell of something burning. The end of the song seemed to arrive too soon, but as it ended I dipped her backwards and kissed her before pulling her back up.

In that moment, as if on cue, the food burst into flames.

We ordered pizza that night.


It was Halloween night. Summer and I were together, as usual, and playing Scrabble.

When suddenly, we heard a noise. It was a kind of shuffling, like something- or someone- was shuffling their feet across the floor. Summer and I exchanged a glance, but after we both shrugged it off we continued with the game. We assumed that it was just our imaginations, since they always seemed to run wild on Halloween.

Then, however, only a few minutes later we heard a loud bang. It was undeniably real. We both got up and grabbed the nearest thing to us. She took up a shoe from the floor, and I took a small blanket. Side by side, we advanced towards the noise. She was flicking on lights as we went, and I was watching her back.

Suddenly, as the light I the kitchen was turned on, a young raccoon leapt out or the cupboard and scurried outside. After glancing around for another minute, both Summer and I laughed.

Then we looked at each other's so-called "weapons" and laughed even more.

"A shoe?" I laughed, "What're you gunna do? Stink them to death?"

"I could beat them with it! That's more than you could say for that tiny blanket, you couldn't even smother them with that" She retorted.

I really had no comeback for that. So I just laid on the floor and accepted defeat.


"I love youuuu" Mumbled Summer as she put her arms around me.

"Love you tooooo" I said, smiling down at her as I added, "Shorty."

I knew that it would probably bother her.

And so it did. She glared up at me and huffed, "I'm not that short!"

"Yeahhh you are" I laughed, "And it's adorable.."

Suddenly, instead of saying anything in response like a civil person, she grabbed my head and pulled it violently down to her level.

Then, she responded, "And you're a big pushover."

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