Yes I am
You think I'm happy
You think I am pretty
And you think my life has no stress
That is all wrong.
I am fake
I'm depressed
And ugly
And I am always stressed
I just never show it
I don't want to be seen as weak
Because it only gets worse
If everybody sees you're weak
Then they make you weaker
Until you are weak enough to break
You're an easy target
But not when you are fake
When you are fake
You walk into the class room and ask yourself if you want to actually talk to people or if you want to be mute for the rest of the day
When you are fake you have to choose to talk to people
Or else weakness shows and you are easy prey but when you are fake,
You go home and cry
And try not to kill yourself
When you are fake you try so hard to hold on to your sanity
This is what happens when you are fake like me.