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Jc p.o.v.
"Alex what is wrong, your eyes are red" "Jc I just got a tattoo I was crying" "oh okay" me and Alex stared to talk and talk for the rest of the night.  I realized befor I went to bed that alex smelt like weed and trust me I know what weed smells like back in Texas I did it a lot but I stopped 4 months befor I came to California. "Alex were you smoking?" "No jc why are you thinking that" "alex because you smell like it and I txt romeo and he told me you didn't cry" she didn't reply so I got out of bed and went by her pures an there was a bong with a plastic bag. "ALEX WHY TF WOULD YOU LIE TO ME" "jc put that down" " NO ALEX WHY TF DID YOU DO THIS" "JC CALM DOWN IT WAS JUST THIS ONE TIME "NO ALEX YOU KNOW WHAT I COULD LOSE YOU" "JC IT WAS THIS ONE TIME WHY ARE YOU FRICKING OUT". After that I just walkout of alex's house and head home why would she do that.
Ashley p.o.v
I heard screaming but I called josh he is this boy I met on  the way up here
Calling joh
Hey Josh
Hey ashley
Wanna come over
Yea will be there in a bit
K thanks
10 minutes later the yelling stopped an the door slammed I think jc found out and got mad. After that Josh was here we were watching a scary movie and I was really scared not going to lie but I fell asleep on Josh's chest
In the morn.
"ASHLEY WTF" I bolt up and see kian with McDonald's "WAT" kian was really mad and just stood there for a bit just looking to my right then I rememberedlast night "kian it is not what it looks like I promise" "no ashley it is not okay and did you hook up with him last night after you and alex got high" "kian how did you know about that and no I didnot hook up with him KIan why do you care we aren't dating" " Look ashley jc came home last night after him and alex got into a fight and told me everything so I wanted to be nice an talkabout it also I really like you and care about you" I cryed a bit inside then Josh woke up and I askedhim politelyto leave. "Kian I didn't know you liked me like that" "yea ashley but obviously you don't" " kian I do I just don't know" "Ashley rightnow I need time to think and stuff but here is yours and alex breakfast"  after that kian left.
The rest of the morn. no one's p.o.v
The rest of the day alex and ashley watched movies and alex cryed because she misses jc but ashley tyred to keep her relaxed , alex was a complete mess.
A quick alex p.o.v
I finallygot some alone time and I was just crying and thinking of jc. Ashley when out for a bit. I could deal with this anymore jc is ignoring me and the person I need right know isn't here. I ran into the bathroom and looked under the sink and graped a teal box with my favorite silver slicers. I look at it then my rist .. I haven't done this in a long time almost 3 years but I just could hesitate I do 3 slashes one got a Lil to deep then my vision was blurry all I remember ashley coming into my room and screaming for jc....... Jc ran in and huge my then it went black

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