Shopping [Senoo Tasuku] (Request)

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"Why are we here? I thought we were shopping for you."

Your boyfriend looked around the clothing store with dismay as he tried to figure out why you'd brought him there. You'd dragged him to the mall with you so that he could give you advice when you tried on new clothes. Since you were so used to his bluntness, his painfully truthful feedback didn't bother you anymore. Getting him to go to the mall, though, was a rare occasion, so you'd decided to take him into a men's clothing store so that you could shop for him for a change.

"You haven't gotten new clothes in a while, so now's your chance," you announced with a smile, "The floor is yours." You gestured to the vast array of clothing hanging on various racks around the store.

Senoo brushed his caramel colored hair out of his eyes, which flitted back and forth, taking in his surroundings. "But I don't want to go shopping, (f/n)," he stated simply.

"Here, I'll help you." You grabbed his hand and took him with you as you marched through the store to find him something new to wear.

Once you'd picked out a few clothes, you shoved them into his arms, a hopeful smile on your face.

"Try them on!" you goaded.

He didn't budge as he looked between the clothes in his arms and your sparkling (e/c) eyes. "(F/n), I really don't want to..." he mumbled.

You frowned slightly and looked down at the floor, feeling slightly disappointed. If anything, you felt like you were being a pain to him, making him do something that he didn't even want to do. You were about to apologize to him, but you didn't get a chance before he walked away and disappeared into the nearest dressing room.

Your eyes widened slightly at his wordless reaction, and you felt your heart flutter slightly in your chest as you sat down and waited for him to emerge with his new clothes on.

"Those pants look really good on you, Tasuku!" you complimented him when he came out of the dressing room wearing the final pair of pants you'd picked out for him. You'd been giving him feedback on each article of clothing he tried on, but he made it so easy to say nice things. There was nothing imperfect about him to you and everything that he tried on looked great on him.

"I like them too, since you like them so much." His comment made you blush slightly, and you watched him as he turned to examine his pants in the mirror. You couldn't deny that his legs looked nice in those pants, and his butt looked even nicer. "Take a picture; it'll last longer," you heard him say.

When you looked at his face, you found that he was smirking mischievously at you. "Okay, then," you agreed and took your phone out of your purse. You thought he was going to run back into his dressing room, but he stayed put and struck a pose instead. You giggled quietly as he went back into the changing room to put his other clothes back on before walking up to the cash register with the items you'd picked out for him.

He sighed softly as he put his arm around your shoulders and walked out of the store with you. "Let's go get some frozen yogurt," he suggested and pecked the side of your head gently.


Once you two had eaten your frozen yogurt, Senoo came over to your house to keep you company. Both of you made yourself at home on your bed, curling up under the blankets and watching shows on your laptop. The two of you were lying side by side on your stomachs, completely engrossed in the show.

"So, did you enjoy going shopping?" you asked him once the show had ended. You laid on your side, holding one of his hands in your own and playing with his fingers slightly.

I think that shopping is pretty tedious," he said truthfully, "but I enjoyed being able to spend time with you."

You blushed and smiled as he kissed you gently before pulling away and returning your smile. You sighed quietly and moved closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder when he turned to lay on his back instead.

"Maybe I can bring you along on more shopping trips!" you giggled.

"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."


Requested by @papi-chan
I hope you liked it!

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