First day

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I fast forwarded the story about one/two months later.


"Austin is going to drive me," I told my dad when I got down from my room.

"Okay, well your breakfast is on the table!" He continued to read his newspaper.

"Vanessa said she wanted you to drop her off though."

"Is she even awake?"

"She's still getting ready!" I chugged my water down.

Today was the first day of school and it turns out Zach, Rob, and Alex are going to UA prep and Austin is stuck at Landon with me...-- On the first day of every school year I go meet up with all my friends in Starbucks and we just chill there until school is about to start.-- Austin got to my house around 7:00 and school started at 8:00.

Text from:Austin

I'm outside, r u ready?

Me:Yeah, be there in a sec.

I walked out the house and into Austin's car.

"Good morning," Austin smiled.


"Starbucks right?"


"So do you have any guy friends who are going to be there?" Austin drove.

"Yeah there's probably going to be like three guys there." I told him.

"And I'm assuming they are these big buff dudes who wrestle huh?" Austin smirked, switching lanes to turn into Starbucks. It was a short ride.

"No only two, the other one plays basketball."

"Cool, so what their names?"

"Ricky, Noah, and marcel."

Austin brought me out the car and into the cafe.

"Hey it's Ronnie!" Jessa pointed out.

"Hey guys, long time no see!!!!!!!" I hugged each of them. Austin was probably standing there like 'what the hell is going on'.

"Hey Ronnie," the guys waved from their table. I waved back and brought Austin with me to them.

"Hey guys! So this is my friend, Austin. He's new to Landon so... Austin this is my other friends Ricky, marcel, and Noah!" I introduced the guys to each other.

"Nice to meet you Austin," they all shook his hand and greeted him.

Then I brought him to the girls.

"Girls! This is my friend Austin, Austin these are the girls; Jessa, Diane and Kendall."

They shook hands then I went to get me a Carmel frappé. And we all chillaxed until 7:45.

"So are we all ready?!" Ricky asked us.

"Yes sir!" Kendall playfully saluted.

We got into Austin's car and Jessa's car then drove to school. Landon was a massive school, it was built in 2002 so it was a little updated.

We had our schedules already and IDs so we went to our first classes. Diane, Noah, Austin and I all had first period/block together.

So we all chose our seats really close and it was pretty tight.-- The class was a lecture about rules and consequences, typical for the first day.

Summer Love {AUSTIN MAHONE FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now