Chapter 1: The Abandoned

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Sometimes I wish I could just wave a magic wand and cure this mess. It's been almost 3 or so years since there was an apocalyptic out break world wide. I've spent every waking moment since then killing off walkers. Thank God I have my two best friends to do it with. It can be tough at times but somehow we manage to get through it all. I lost my whole family pretty much. My parents both got bitten. It was the worst day of my life. I have no idea where my brother is today. I lost him along the way. Again , one of the worst days of my life. But luckily I still have my two best friends, even though things have been uneasy between us, I still consider myself lucky.

"Wake up Tayva, get up and let's go! We got work to do here ya know!"
I jolted awake.
"Seriously Kayla?!?!" I said groggily.
"Yes, seriously you can't just lay around and do nothing all the time!"
I got up.
She shoved me a little.
"Excuse me? Touch me one more time and I swear to God you'll be sorry! And for your information I don't sit around on my butt doing nothing! I get up and work! Unlike you, you wanna act like you do something 'round here but you don't! So how 'bout you step down from trying to be the leader."
She swung at me. I ducked and pushed her back and had my fist balled up ready to deck her.

Until Jade  had came over and broke it up.
" You guys have to stop this! It's tearing everyone apart. And we can't even get anything done because of it!" Jade yelled.
"Why don't you keep it down and stay out of this?" I snapped at her.
"See this is what I me-"
Her eyes widened and she quickly grabbed a knife.
"Walkers." She said with a scared tone.
I spun around quickly and began shooting a bunch of walkers that was extremely close. "Get on top of that tree!" I demanded quickly. We all ran towards the tree and climbed to the nearest branch. We sat there for what seemed like forever and waited for the horde to pass.

"Now what are we going to do?" Kayla whispered quitely. I piped in quietly "Well hell I don't know! Maybe if you wouldn't of started shit with me maybe we wouldn't be in this situation right now!" "Look you both need to calm down!" Jade whispered a bit loud. "Stop it! Your gonna draw in walkers with all that yelling!" I whispered.
A few moments later the horde finally passed. With quick and quite motions, we three had climbed down from the tree.
I retrieved the back packs we left behind a bush for safe keeping. "Alright let's hit the road!" I said with a small grin. We all started walking down the lonely, empty roads of Georgia. We all walked at a kinda slow pace. Everyone was worn out and hadn't gotten much sleep in days. Not much food either. All of us were thinning a bit, which was terrible. But I still had to eat whatever I could find. I had hoped to find a good shelter to stay in for a while. Since I had a few tools, I could easily repair damages or board up door, or set up palisades. Palisades were tall sharp logs that were placed around the perimeter of something like a house , for protection. Great for keeping out walkers. We had passed by couple of run down old houses, but they didn't look very appealing,or safe. So I just continued to walk to find shelter. Maybe even some food.

Kaylas POV

God Tayva really could be a total ass to me all the time! I wish I could just punch her , but Jade either jumps in, or Tayva always ends up being the one who almost punches me. I hate it! She thinks she has total control over everything! Sometimes I wish we could just abandon her on the side of the street. Leave her for the dead.
But that is a bad idea. I guess I'll just keep looking for shelter beside this so called "Bestfriend" of mine. At least Jade and I hit it off good.

Jades POV

I'm seriously tired of the crap Tayva and Kayla have been giving each other lately. We all used to be so close. Until Tayva thought she ruled evrything. I hate it when she thinks she's always in charge. Kayla and I have even been considering ditching her on the side of the road! But that wouldn't be very nice. Anyway, back to scavenging again.

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