Chapter 3: The Final Verdict

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I awoke to the sunshine peaking in my cell.
I smiled to my self and forced my self to get up.
I walked out of my cell and made my way to a different room.
I had took a few steps and walked into the room.
I saw everyone sitting at the table.
Everyone except for Beth, she was still asleep.
" 'Mornin Tayva, how was your rest?" Rick asked in a groggy voice.
"It was the best sleep I gotten in years." I replied back.
Everyone laughed.
"Well, once Beth wakes up, we will take this meetin outside, and we will see if you get to stay for good." Rick smiled.
I nodded.
I sat down beside this girl with a katana.
She looked over at me and smiled.
"Im Michonne." She introduced her self.
I smiled back.
"Im Tayva, by the way nice katana." I complimented.
"Thanks." She replied.
She was nice, I liked Michonne.
I looked at Rick.
"Hey Rick, do you mind  introducing me to everyone?" I asked in a polite voice.
He nodded his head.
He started with a lady with gray hair beside him.
"Tayva this is Carol."
Carol smiled at me.
I smiled back.
Gosh these people are so nice
He moved to the man beside her.
"This is Hershel, he is our doctor."
He nodded.
"It is nice to meet you Tayva."
Hershel said softly.
"It's nice to meet you too Hershel."
I replied back.
He pointed at the next person.
"This is Sasha."
She smiled a bright smile.
She was very pretty.
I smiled back.
Rick then pointed at the man beside her.
"That is Tyrese."
He smiled at me too.
I felt so welcomed with all these nice people.
He motioned to the man next to Tyrese.
"And this is Bob."
He waved at me.
I waved back.
" And finally this is Carl, he is the same age as you." He motioned to Carl.
Carl glared at me.
"Hi Carl." I said in a cheerful tone.
He didn't reply.
"Okay then."

Rick then scolded him.
"Carl is this anyway to treat our guest?"
Carl looked up.

"Okay, well aplogize to her."
Carl sighed.
"Tayva, I'm sorry." He said with an i-dont-care tone.
"It's all good." I said with a smile.

Soon there after, Beth had came in.
"Good morning Beth."
A few of us said at one time.
"Good morning everyone." She said a groggy voice.
" We will be meeting up outside in a few minutes, I'll give everyone a few minutes to get washed up, or do what ever you need to." Rick announced.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
After that everyone cleared out to go back to their cells to do anything before the meeting.
I was walking to my cell, and I ran into Carl.
Oh god. I thought to my self.
"Hey Carl." I said as nicely as possible.
He rolled his eyes.
"Hey Y/N, I gotta get to my cell, so move." He said in a bit of a harsh tone.
"Okay, fine." I simply said and walked away.
I honestly don't get why Carl was being so rude towards me.
I then walked into my cell.
I decided to change into someone different clothes.
I began sliding off my shirt.
After i slid off my shirt, next came my pants. After i slid off my pants,I reached over for the fresh clothes layed neatly on my bed.
I first put on the pants.
Then the shirt.
I put my firearm belt on and slid my gun into its holster.
And the knives in their little slots.
I pulled my hair into a ponytail and run my fingers through it a bit.
I then slid on my socks, then my boots.
I smoothed my clothes down, and walked out of my cell.
I saw Carl standing outside of my cell.
Why is he here?
"Carl what the hell are you doing?" I tapped my foot.
"Nothing of your interest, why do you even care?" He asked with a angry tone.
"Carl, why are you such an ass to me?" I almost shouted.
Before he could even speak, Rick walked in.
"The hell is going on In here?"

"Carl was standing outside of my cell, and I came out and just simply asked him what he was doing, and then he fired off at me! I don't know what I did wrong." I said trying to be calm.
Carl glared at me, I shot a glare back at him.
Rick sighed. "We'll talk about this later, we're meeting outside, so come on and let's go." He motioned for us to come outside.
We began to follow behind Rick.
I was very nervous to see what everyone was going to say.
Did they not like me?
Did they not trust me?
It remains a mystery until this meeting.
We then arrived outside were everyone was standing in a circle.
I began to tremble.
I looked around and everyone looked casual.
Except for me.

I had stood between Rick and Carl.
I waited nervously for the whole speech democracy type thing.
Rick then began the speech.
"Good morning everyone, you guys know why we're here, so I don't need to explain that." He said in his thick southern accent.
"We found Tayva yesterday while we were out in the woods. We had came across her in the road. She was abandoned by her group. So we decided to bring her in, so she would have a place to stay for the night, then we would send her on her way the next day, but I thought it would be nice for her to stay with us for good." I then heard Carl groan slightly. I rolled my eyes.
"So, I want Tayva to stay with us for good, does anyone object this idea at all?"
Carl then looked over at me. He narrowed his eyes. He had a smirk on his face.
"I do." Carl said aloud.
Rick came over to him.
"Why?" He said a bit angry. Rick knew why Carl objected.
"Because she's called me an ass, and she it leave me the hell alone, and she's always so rude to me!" He almost shouted.
I quickly defended my self.
"Excuse me? I didn't call you an ass. I asked you why you were such an ass to me because when I asked you why you were standing outside my door, you snapped at me. Youre the one who won't leave me alone, and you're the one who is always rude to me." I said trying to keep my calm.
I then looked around at everyone, all eyes were on me.
I felt my heart drop.
I didnt know at this moment in time if I would be able to stay for good.
But I knew one thing, I hated Carl.

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