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   Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess in a royal kingdom where she had everything she needed to be happy. Good friends, a loving family, musical talent, and even smarts. There was no place she couldnt go and when she did no eyes could stop their endless stare upon her. But her favorite place was at the far end of the palace garden, right under the willow tree. Whenever she got the chance, she would sit as still as she could beneath it, listening to the wind in the trees and the birds singing their love songs. At night, if she could, she would sneak out of her bedroom window and lay in the soft grass, counting all the glimmering stars in the night sky. She never could make it past 100, there were just too many. But something didnt feel right. She felt sad when she was with her ladies in waiting and even when entertained by the court clown. There was something missing from her life that she couldnt quite figure out.
   One day, while sitting under her willow tree counting each bird that flew by, she heard the most beautiful music coming from the other side of the garden hedge wall. As quickly as a girl in a dress could, she ran over to the wall and did her best to look through it, but the foliage was too dense. Instead, the princess followed the music along the hedge, singing along with the melody until the next section of hedge blocked her path and she could go no further. With sadness in her heart, she slowly made her way back to the willow tree, all the while replaying the tune in her head and happily humming along.
   The next day, she was under the willow tree again, anxiously waiting for the beautiful music to arise over the hedge. Almost at once, the melody began and she danced and sang to her hearts content. And just before the hedge prevented her from following any longer, she called over it, saying
   "Who there is playing that lovely music?"
   "I do, my lady! I have heard you singing and dancing to its tune. You have an exquisite voice."
   "Thank you! But what is your name, good sir?" for it was a mans voice.
   "Meet me here again tonight and I shall tell you."
   And with that he was gone, for there were no more responses to the princess's cries over the hedge.
   That night, the princess returned to the garden and sat beneath the willow tree, anxiously waiting for the mysterious musician. Suddenly, through the darkness she saw a tall figure step out from a break in the hedge. The princess was immediatly frightened, for she had never known of the break. But then the figure sat crossed legged on the ground and began to play the melody that she loved so much. She relaxed and danced out from the protection of the willow tree, singing as best she could.
   When the tune ended, the princess stopped dancing. The musician stood and walked out of the shadows and into the moonlight. He was tall, she noticed that right away. Tall and strong, with blonde hair that slightly covered his eyes. As soon as he saw her, he blushed for she was indeed beautiful. He bowed and said,
   "My lady, I am Nathan, the king's personal musician. I am honored that you have enjoyed my music so much."
   The princess curtsied in return.
   "Will you play more, please?" she implored.
   "Of course, my, my lady."
   The princess blushed and motioned for him to begin. Nathan began his tune and the princess danced and sang and danced some more. As she was dancing, her foot got caught on a stray root of the willow tree and she started to fall. Then as quick as lightening, Nathan was behind her and had caught her in his arms.
   "Are you alright, my lady?"
   "Y-yes, I think I'm ok," she replied, still clutching the sleeves of his shirt. "Thank you."
   She looked up at him and caught a glimpse of his eyes beneath his hair. They were blue, almost sky blue, and stood out against the dark night sky. Silhouetted against the stars and sky, the sight of him was breath taking. The princess stared just a bit too long and turned away, blushing madly.
   "What's wrong?" Nathan asked, confused by her reaction.
   "N-nothing," she replied and began to walk away. "I must go, its getting cold."
   Instead he took hold of her hand and pulled her close to him.
   "Then let me keep you warm," he said.
   At first, the princess was startled, thinking Who was he to pull her close? but she soon relaxed because he was rather comforting. Then she felt a hand under her chin, pulling it upwards towards the sky. She saw the musicians blue eyes and felt his soft lips against hers. She closed her eyes and enjoyed every moment of that embrace for she had found the missing piece.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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