Nick comes back Chapter 6

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After 30 mins of Nick not in the class,he comes back with blood stains on his shirt and in his hands. He said it's just fruit punch but I know it's not. When he sits next to me I am very silent,I asked him," is that really fruit punch?" He said yes, I know he was lying to me but I will ask him after school. 30 mins later the bell rings and everyone in the class runs out but me and Nick. I was packing up my stuff and Nick was waiting for me since he was taking the bus with me. But he was hiding something in his book bag I asked him,"what is in your book bag?" He said,"OHHHHH it's nothing....." I said alright and walked with him to the bus. But when I walked on the bus Destiny wasn't there. I called her and she didn't pick up I was worried so I asked Nick if we can stay at school to look for her.He said okay, so we miss the bus to look for Destiny,I asked a teacher if they saw her they said she takes a new bus and her phone died. I felt so stupid when they said that,I spent 25 mins trying to look for her. So I told Nick we had to walk home he said he was fine with that.

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