Chapter Fourteen

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I shot up quick but had to sit back down because Blaze kicked me. "I have to get to her!!" I say as I slowly stand up and walk out quickly with Raph behind me. He turned into his human form and got us up on the surface quickly. He got on his motorcycle and told me to get on. I did and we took off towards the hospital. We finally got there and I got inside quickly. I told the lady at the desk I was here to see April and she got me to her room quickly. When we got there, I saw April in bandages. I walked up to her and saw her. "April?" I say softly as Raph follows behind me quietly. She turns her head slowly and looks at me.

"She is here." she says smiling softly. "Who's here?" I say softly holding her hand. "Darrien. She made her debut today." April says then turns her head. "Are you okay though?" I ask softly. "I'm fine. Just a broken leg." She says. The nurse walks in and looks at April. "Would you like to see your baby?" She says. "Can I go with her?" I ask softly. "Of course and would you like to see her too sir?" I look at Raph, "Actually I'm going to call her boyfriend." He says stepping out. The nurse hands me an operation outfit and I get in it and help April into hers and they carefully put her in a wheel chair. We got to ICU. "You and your baby are very lucky. The fact the baby was a month early." The nurse says. "Is she okay?" April asks almost in tears.

"Yes she is very much more than okay. She is actually good." The nurse smiles. We walk into he room and see Aprils baby. We got up to her and her heart monitor was beeping fast. April had tears down her eyes, "She's so precious." I rub Aprils shoulder. She leans over and kisses my belly, "your next mister." April smiles. I smile and rub my belly. The nurse left us and then I heard Donnie walk in. He looked like he's been crying. "Is she okay?" Donnie asks brokenly. "She's fine Donnie. Meet your daughter. Darrien June Hamato." April says smiling. "I'm going to let you two meet your daughter." I say as I slip out of the room. I walked out to see Raph with his other two brothers and Master Splinter. "How are they?" Leo asks. "They are fine. She was actually a month before due date." I smile brightly.

"Wait? It's a girl?" Mikey says happily. Smiling, "Yes she is. And the nurse also said that she'll be out of ICU in 3 days." I look at Raph who was looking at the ground. I as walked up to him and said, "you alright." He looks into my eyes and says, "I just don't want anything bad to happen to you or Blaze. You made it so far I couldn't-" "Raph I'm fine I'll have you with me." I smile as I rub his cheek. "Blaze and I wouldn't be here if you would've had been by our side this whole time." I kiss his chin then he smiles. Donnie walks out and gives me a hug. I hug him back then say, "isn't she the most beautiful thing?" I smile. "She is just like her mother." He smiles as he steps away. I walk back into the room and see April touching the glass.

"Come on sis you'll need your rest. Besides in the next week you get to take her home." I smile. "Okay. I love you Darrien." She says to the glass. I smile and pushed April out of the room. Donnie pushed April to her room once she was out. I walked up to Raph and say, "I think I need a nap too." I sighed rubbing my head. He smiles and puts an arm around my shoulders. It was a nice ride back to the lair and we got in the man hole with ease. When we finally got to the lair Raph carried me the rest of the way to our room. When he set me on the bed he rubs my belly. "Blaze you're gonna be a strong man one day." Raph says as he rubs my tummy. I smile at him and then rub his head. He kisses my hand then leans up and kisses me. I smile as he rubs my belly as he kisses me. I kiss back rubbing his chest. He pulls away slowly.

"I'm gonna head to the store want anything?" He asks as he kisses my tummy. "Green tea?" I look at him sweetly. He kisses me again then says, "As you wish my queen." He says standing up. I watch him leave so I laid down on my right side facing the wall. I slowly fell asleep.

I woke up at 5:30 and looked around. Raph wasn't anywhere in the room. I slowly got up and waddled to the door. I heard hushed voices. I opened the door only to see Leo, Raph, Mikey, and master Splinter whispering to each other. "Raph did you get my tea?" I say yawning. He turns and looks at me, "Yes dear." He says and walks away into the kitchen. I slowly made my way down the stairs. When I got to the bottom
Step I heard soft music playing. I looked around and I saw Raph standing in the middle of his brothers and Splinter. He smiles softy and holds out his hand. I take his hand and he pulls me close. "You know how happy you have made me?" He asks softly. "Let me guess very happy." I smile. I rub his cheek then he slowly gets down on one knee.

"Phoenix Storm O'Neil..." He pulls out a box shaking a bit as he opens it, "Will you do the honor in marrying me?"

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