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Early on a sunny day were the waves crash softly to the shore ,the children of Shora went to school .The names of the children were Lina, Jack, Sammy,Mason,and the twins Mason and Jacob.they all had one teacher Mr. James that taught them all the subjects ,because he was the only teacher in the village.

As the children arived at school , all standing waiting for the national anthem to start on the only radio in the class before they all sit down. When they all sat down the teacher noticed that lina's hand was raised and motioned for her with his hands to ask her question.
"Sir I have written a story about storks that I would like to read at the end of class" said lina in her shy voice

"Very well ,I can't wait for you to read it to us ,as this is the first time you write a story on your own "replied Mr. James to lina as he turns back around to face the blackboard and start teaching hid lesson.
At the end of their first lesson Mr .James calls lina up to the front of their classroom to read her poem out loud.

Lina takes a sheet of paper out of her bag and walks up to the front of her class, nervously fidgeting with her fingers before she starts
"Do you know about Storks ?
Do you know about storks, storks on your roof bring you good luck! They are happy animals that make a sound with their mouths that sounds almost like clapping! They are huge white birds with long legs and orange gills.long ago there used to be storks on every roof in our village , even on top of our school !so imagine that there were those happy birds ontop of each roof in this village ! So I was hoping that we could find why they left and try to get them to live with us again."she said everyone clapped including their teacher and he said"well done Lina that was brilliant, I would also want to find out the reasons there are no more storks , what do you say kids .,how about we go and finish school earlier today and try to find the cause .and we will meet again tomorrow  to listen to your answers.

All the students including Lina agreed by cheering "yes" and thanking the teacher for letting them go early!

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