Chapter 3 : Sulphur Eyes on the move.

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Konbanwa minna san ! FYI, You can visit my deviantart page. If you want to see how Cielle looks like :D. Here's da link : 

Basically, She has pretty fair skin. She's got Freckles which she inherited from her mother. Her hair is pretty stubborn so it sticks up in spikes. Her hair is a blonde and Tangerine at the ends. Her hair colour is also inherited from her mother. But she got her Turqouise eyes from her dad. 

Her hair is pretty short. Kind of like Usui Takumi from Kaichou wa Maid sama :P Timeskip, her hair grows out but she likes to keep it short. It is a little longer than her initial hair style. It extends down to the tip of her shoulders. But her usual spikes are still prominent.

Okay enough chit chat !  Let's start !! Please minna don't forget to comment and vote ! :D 

WARNING : I did not check it. There may be spelling mistake errors


Cielle sat down and concentrated, while she healed her wounds. Lumina Sana takes time and it does not work well on Major wounds. Finally, when she was well enough to stand up and walk to the house, she kept thinking about the hooded stranger. He looked so familiar. Especially his eyes. But she couldn't put her finger on it. 

She collected her reward jewels and headed back to Magnolia. She remembered hoodie and pictured everything that occured.  He is kind of cute. She blushed as she walked into the train. She looked outside and smiled, absent-mindedly. 

 After she went home and had some rest, she returned to the guild. It was same like how it was when she left. People ouring in and taking missions. I wonder What's going on...... She thought to herself. She saw Mirajane smiling and talking to Lucy. Other than the fact that people were super hard working, every thing was normal. Fairy Tail is definitely a fun Guild. 


The messenger panted and walked towards the S Class mages of Sulphur Eyes. "Did you find that brat or what ?" Snatcher hissed. His long, wavy sand coloured hair was brushing against he bare back which was covered with black tattoos. 

"N-no Sir, not yet. We have been searching for just a day, Please give us more time and we will find er for you." The man trembled.

"Useless piece of Trash !" Poison snapped at him. "We are asking you to bring back one girl. If you can't even do that, then you are a shame to Sulphur eyes." Her Violet eyes were piercing through the man. Her long Black hair was let loose and decorated with beads. 

"Rest easy, we will find that little Punk." Wype, who was busy reding the latest issue of 'Weekly Sorcerer' answered. "Anyway, how much did that old geezer borrow ?" He asked.

"Shut up Wype ! If you want to know, then get off your lazy ass and search for that trashy girl !" Poison yelled. "Okay, no need to bark !" Wype whispered and got up to join the search for Cielle.


The following Day, fairy tail had announced it's yearly examination for the S Class mages. Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Elfman, Cana, Freed, Levy and some guy called Mest were selected for the exam. That explained why everyone worked so hard.

Cielle smiled and walked towards Natsu to congratulate him. She bumped into someone on the way. "Oh I am really sorry !" She apologized. Her eyes widened as she saw who it was. Gildarts Clive. She heard so much about him. "Oh, I am really sorry !!! Please forgive me !! " She squealed.

"Hahaha ! Relax !! I am not gonna eat ya !" He smiled. "I haven't seen you around. What's your name ?" He asked, still smiling.

Cielle felt more comfortable. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy. "My name is Cielle Marcotte. I just Joined Fairy Tail a few days ago. "She introduced. 

"Ah ! I see. Well Cielle, a pretty young lady like you could work hard and soon reach the examinations next year ! See you around !" Gildarts smiled and waved off. She blushed a litle at his compliment and saw the strong mage disappear into the distance.

She thought she saw Cana's upset eyes look at her for a minute. But when she turned around, Cana walked away. What happened to Cana ? She thought.

"Ah ! Yeah. Natsu !" Cielle smiled and walked towards the dragon Slayer. "Hey Natsu ! Congrats on making it to Tenroujima !" She wished him, smiling. "Oh ! Thanks Shiem !" He smiled. "It's Cielle, you idiot !" Gray corrected him. 'Oh and You too Gray." Cielle smiled. "Thanks !" He smiled and this time, Cielle was sure that Juvia's killer eyes were staring right at her.


Cielle waved off everyone as they left for Tenroujima. She smiled and walked back into the guild. Since Mirajane left, Kinana was in charge of the bar. Cielle picked up a new job and handed oit to her. After Kinana wished for her safety she left for the job. 

This was to capture a group of bandits. She picked up her yellow bag and left. The mission was a little challenging, as many of them had magic equipped weapons. But she finished them with her 'Lumina Pugnus', which allowed her to use her fists for fighting. Her fists contained a big amout of her magic power so that the impact of her punches were a lot strionger.

She collected the reward money and as she was about to leave she was surrounded by mages. Cielle froze at the sight. She recognised their marks. Suplhur Eyes. Her feet lit up and she was about to take off at speed.

She dashed through them and kicked anyone who got in her way. But a tight rope was tight around her leg and it pulled her down forcefully on the ground. Cielle knew whos Magic it was. "If it isn't Little Cielle ?" Wype smiled as he pulled her from the rope. 

"This is the fifth time, isn't it ?" He asked. Cielle did not answer. She felt her hopes crush. When she could finally get away fom them, everything shattered. "You have nerve !" A Big man with muscular arms walked towards her. He punched her right cheek, causing Cielle to fall. 

"Easy Den ! We can't kill her remember ?" Wype warned. 

Cielle did not move. Even if she wanted to, she could'nt. Fear gripped her. These were the exact same people that killed her father. Except there were three of them missing. 

"Cielle dear, why did you run away from home ?" A feminine voice purred. Cielle's eyes widened. The woman that damaged her father the most. Poison. 

Poison walked towards her and kicked her. "Where is the rest of the money ?" She asked. "I...... I will pay you..." Cielle spoke.

"What difference does it make, changing guilds ?" Wype asked. 

"What difference ?" Cielle spoke in a low voice. Her eyes were shadowed by her hair. "It makes a huge difference...."

"The money i earned from your guild was taken away from me. It was YOU who did it !" She looked at them with tearful eyes. "I earned all that I could but you had some people take it away from me ! " 

Poison death glared at her and bent down. Reaching her arm, she grabbed a lock of Cielle's Tangerine hair and dangerously looked at her. "Where is your evidence ?" She smiled snidely.

"We shall give you all the time you need to pay us 50,000,00 Jewels." She devilishly smiled at the girl. Every one was shocked. No one imaginedthe amout to be that high. "Ofcourse it increases with interest." She pulled back and stood tall on her high heeled shoes. 

"We'll be waiting. And don't you dare fight back." Poison turned and headed away from them. Wype removed the rope and followed. "Remember what would happen if you do. Your father's fate will be same as yours." She added those lines with pure malice in her voice.

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