Chapter 1

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Oh I'm going to miss the sweet crisp ocean breeze of Sandiego. The sunsets by the pier,the surfing in the bay. Mom says that I'll be fine. "Moving to a new place isn't the end of the world Amy"she said. Well it was for me. Sandiego is my home. Mom can't just assume I'm going to adjust with the snap of her fingers. My friends say that I just have to go with it. I mean there's nothing I can do about moving expect hoping that my house isn't ugly and that my school has a basket ball team. Mom knows that it's been hard after my dad died about a month ago. She can't keep up with the payments. And sure as hell cant stop thinking about him. I miss him too He's the reason why I'm in basketball in the first place . He was the one person who wouldn't give up no matter how crazy the odds were of accomplishing a goal. I can't put my head around the fact that he's gone and I can't do anything about it. Mom and I thought it would be best to move to Los Angeles. It's only 4 hours away and its not that far from the coast line so I can still surf. Me and mom are almost finished packing. The only place left in the house is the attic. I've lived in this house for all my life and never gone up there. Crazy right. Anyway I pull down the latch to the attic to take a look inside. It's was so dusty in there. There were just boxes of junk and more junk as I look around. Then I found this box with "memories" written on it. As soon as I opened it something caught my eyes attention. It was a pendant. A gold chained pendant with a beautifully polished gem. I have never seen such a beautiful Pendant before. I turned the gem around to inspect it more and my name was engraved in the gem. Suddenly my mind had a flash back. I could see the pendant being place on me. It was my dad who was putting it on me. It was faint but I heard him say "Amy this pendant is powerful. It will keep you safe". Then my mom came and warned him about something and took the pendant off me. Then suddenly my mind went blank. I was conscious a few seconds later. I put the pendant in my pocket and took the rest of the boxes downstairs so me and could finish packing. I was scared of tell her about what just happened because she was a very frail women and she will get round up by just about anything the was out of the norm. She asked me if I wanted to stop by the Library before leaving Sandiego for good. The library was my go to place. I just loved reading my problems away. One time dad said" your too irresponsible to take care of the dogs alone". I think I was 10 at the time and my first instinct was to leave the house and head straight for the library. Mrs.jones the Librarian knew when I had a problem so she had this one spot in the library just for me to sit and read in. In fact one time mom said she pick me up from there at around 8:39 because I fell asleep. I told my mom that I wanted to go alone to the Library alone one more time. So I walked outside,hopped on my bike and peddled as fast as I could down the street. I past by so many places with good memories. Like the bench on main st. It was the first time I ever kissed a boy. And the park a few blocks down where I learned to start walking. Just so many place with sentimental value. After a good ten minutes I made it to the edge of town where the library was. I Locked my bike on a rail and walked into the front door. Mrs.jones was quietly reading love and war then suddenly notices me from the corner of her eye. " Amy what a surprise " she said in her sweet voice." You haven't come to the library in over a week". I apologized and explained that I was moving. She got up and gave me a tight hug wishing me the best of luck in Los Angeles. A few tears came out of my eyes,she was one those people in my life I just can't replace. She gave me a tour of the whole library like she did when I first came, said our good byes, and I went back home.Mom had finished  putting the rest of the boxes we had packed into the moving van when I got home. She told me to put the bike in the van and get in the car. I put the bike in the van like she told me and took a last glance of the house filled with memories that will soon be filled with more from a different family. I jumped in the car, and we were off to start our new lives somewhere else.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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