Dangerous Ghost

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Ed and Carol were college sweethearts who planned to marry after Ed landeda stable job as an accountant in a multinational corporation in the city so they can start a family while they were stiil young. At first, they lived with Carol's famil but when young Christopher was already more than a year old, they decided to move and live on their own. They found a new apartment that was conveniently located near Ed's office.

It was a typial three-door apartment and they took the middle one which was still vacant while the two others were already taken. It has a sala ajoining the dining room and the kitchen with the stairs in the middle serving as a divider. It has two rooms in the second floor. They put Christopher in one room and they used the other one.

Although summer that year was extremly hot, the stairway was always very cold. It was something that the couple didn't think much about at first. Mysterious, frihtening things soon began to happen.

One day, Carol was standing at the top of the stairs, holding the baby. Suddenly she felt hands on the back of her shoulders, pushing her. Before she could fall head first down the stairs, she was able to cling on the doornob that prevent her to fall. Carol could feel a cold chill around her, but she was awareof a warm glow from the baby in her arms. Neither she nor the baby was hurt. With wobbling knees, she sat down at the top of the stairs while cuddling her baby in her breast with shaking hands.

A week later, during the middle of the night, young Christopher stardted screaming from his crib in the opposite room. Ed usually got up during the night to attend to the baby. But carol could not awaken him. So she get up went to see what was wrong .


"Actually, I was already awake," Ed recalls. "But I had this feeling that I can only describe as tremendoud panic. I felt I was being held down by an evil presence and someone or something was covering my eyes. It was as though something was trying to posses me."

After a few moments, Ed managed to free himself and allowed Carol to the next room. She had been having her own expiriances. She again felt icy hands on her shoulders. They closed around her neck as though trying to choke her. She broke loose and rushed to the baby's room. She picked Christopher up and managed to calm her babyfrom his frantic cry. ed rushed beside her wrapped his arms around her and the baby. They looked at each other with frightened eyes. They did not say anything but they knew something was terribly and frighteningly wrong with the place.

Carol recalls "it was such a strong expirience that to this day we prefer not to talk about it. It still send shivers up and down our spines."

Ed started inquiring from the tenants on both sides of their apartment. But the people living their seem not to have expirienced anything unusual. They seem to lead normal live without disturbances from ghost or any supernatural happenings. The extraordinary expiriences were isolated in their apartment.

But it's a newly constructed structure. In fact, all three families were the first tenants to occupy these apartments. What could be wrong with it?

Carol's parent told them to transfer to another place. They must not jeopardize the health of their son. Chistopher may suffer from traumatic expirience that will haunt him all his life.but Ed reasoned that it was so hard to look for another place as cheap and as convenient as their apartment. So before they let go of the apartment, he decided to find out the root cause of the problem before that haunting expirience happen again.

Ed sougth out the landlady and began questioning her about the historyof the place. He discovered thet the buliding that was originally erected on that place was a bodega. And the man who was assigned to watch the various containers and drum inside the bodega found out out that the chemicals were used to manufacture prohibited drugs.

His only son died because of shabu ovedose and because of his work, he thought he was instrumental in his death. Bacause of guilty conscience,mthe man commited suicide by hanging himself from a rafther of the bodega. His body had hung undiscovered for days, in the space that now was the staircase of Ed and Carol's apartment

While the three apartments were blessed befor their occupancy,the landlady and Ed agreed to have the middle apatment blessed again. This time, they will say specila prayers for the man who died there to appease his soul.

Ed and Carol lived there for many years without being bothered by the spirit again. They now live in ther own house in a medium class subdivision is the suburbs with their three children Ed still works in his office.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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