Part 1

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When she was 12 she stayed with her god mom at her house while everyone else went to one of those circus things. There she was watching Degrassi until her god brother motioned her to come to his room. At that moment she didn't know what to do something was telling her not to go but she went anyway.

He closed the door and told her to look at the computer screen and do the same thing to him. She watched what the girl was doing on the computer screen and then she did it to him even though she's never seen or done it before he forcefully grabbed her head and pushed it down to man hood and said suck it.
She was really scared because her god brother wasn't the frightening type afraid of what would happen next she did as she was told

Later he stripped her of her clothing, layer her on the bed put a condom on and positioned himself inside her it didn't go all the way but she screamed and said stop it hurts.
So he turned her over and positioned himself inside the the other end she was screaming please stop it hurts but he kept going until he released into the condom.

After he finished he told her to go take a shower after she finished and put back on her clothes he said don't tell anyone about this and from that day on she pretended to act like nothing happened

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