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                                                                Chapter 1- Bloody Hunt

I'm breatheing heavily I wonder if they will find us. She is holding the sniper rifle searching for any. She say she sees none but one pops up in front of the window it's face is so ugly. It's face is so green and looks like it has bubbles under it's skin. Some people call it the undead some call it zombies but I call it the Unwanted. It hunts us for food. I've hated these things. I wish this apocolypse never happened. I pull out my knife and stab the thing then kick it off the roof. I look at the girls eyes and ask "What will happen if they find us?" She awnsers "Problems." I'm only 17 and she is 19 I'm not normal and neither is she. I'm half vampire half human. We reload are guns and take showers seperatly one takes a shower and the other stands outside then we switch. She got to sleep this nightwhile I had to stay and watch for anythng. I wonder if that old saying is true. "If you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything." I wish it was but all my life I've been a failure. I guess the one thing only know is to... kill. I smile knowing that some other kids that picked on me I could've stabbed in chest... Sweet sweet Revenge... Anyways we get up and leave this house and go running through the streets to find him... I don't remember his name I think it was Aklee or something. Oh well I've heard he can't be infected and has big muscle and carrys around a giant axe and a chain gun. We got to a mall and saw crack start to appear in the wall and it got bigger and bigger. We both backed off and held are guns to the crack and the wall crashed down in front of us which made me jump to my feet. There were hundred of these things they came at us like we were candy or something we knew they weren't good so we fired like theres no tommarrow well I'm pretty sure theres not gonna be a tommarrow for us. Anyways we kept fireing watching there body fall back and bullets went into them but one of them manage to grab onto her leg I shot it but the second I turned back around a giant pack jumped towards me and as they fell on me I knew two things. One I'm gonna be gone in atleast five seconds and Two These are defiantly the jocks because that landing really hurt. Then everything went black.

                                                                Chapter 2-Horrible Awakening

I wake up and feel so much pain and I look at her. Why is everything so blurry and why do I taste blood. I remeber trying to groan and nothing came out but some winceing cause my neck hurt bad. I look over at the monster and I see a giant axe smash ten of them in one hit. I remember hearing "Stay with me." And then I went crazy with the scent and taste of blood. I've learned how to control this and use it as a weapon. I stood up and she said something but I couldn't remember and I smashed into a pack of them leaveing 20 of them flying in the air and the giant axe was held in air chopping there bodies. I said "Ha hey look it's snowflakes." Me and the dude with the axe laughed but then we got back to being serious. I loved doing this acctually as long I'm killing no one can judge. But I felt really weak once we killed all of them and fell to me knees and faceplanted. I was glad I thougt I died brave I always think will I go to heaven or hell for what am. I'm not much christian but I've been told theres a heaven or hell. And I thought I was gonna get judge and go to hell. Oh well I have so many thoughts to think and so much sleep to have I just feel freedom. Not having to turn around and sees zombies everywhere and having to kill them it felt good. I woke up in serious pain I looked down at my stomach and they had left small bites in my stomach but big teeth marks. I tried to sit still but it's like having a knife in your stomach and you have to be like that your whole life. I'm so glad I don't have it's head in my stomach. I kinda laughed at the small bites and said "Change my mind these weren't jock they were lil kids that have the teeth of sharks." and I tried to laugh. They doctored me up and said I was fine and I stood up looked at the giants guy and asked how to your pronouce your name? He said "What's it to you?" Then I just shrugged and grabbed my gun and put all my equipment on then walked out the door head of the whole gang... For once I was a leader.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2011 ⏰

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