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There was a figure in the doorway of her toilet when Elena went upstairs. The figure was slim, average height and had long jet black hair.

Elena's POV

Who is this in my house?¿
And why are they using my bathroom like umm excuse me.

When the person in the doorway turned around Elena got a shock.

'Hello Elena, you don't know me, but I know you.'

'Who are you? And what are you doing here, who let you in?'

'I'm Stefan's girlfriend' replied the woman

Elena's POV

Stefan has another girlfriend??
How could he do this to me?

Just as her anger started to rise Elena stopped, she realised she didn't care if stefan had another girlfriend. She loved Damon.

'So why are you here?' Asked Elena suspiciously

'I'm here to see stefan, is he here?'

As Elena was about to answer, stefan appeared in the door.

'Mary?, what are you doing here?'he said excitedly

Elena felt so out of place she decided to leave

As she turned around to walk out the door she felt someone gently tug her arm.

'Where are you going Elena?' Asked stefan

'I'm giving you two some space, have a cute little reunion with your girlfriend you didn't tell me about.'

And with that Elena was gone.

Even though she was in love with Damon, she still cared for stefan, so it hurt her to know that he had kept something so big from her.

She didn't care where she went, she just had to get out of that awkward situation, so she decided to find out where Damon was.

•on the phone•

'Hey Damon, where are you?'

'I'm just picking up some blood bags, why?'

'Can you come pick me up please, we need to talk' she said her voice breaking a little.

'Sure, i would do anything for you'


Damon shows up in his car and Elena feels butterflies in her tummy, she loved seeing him.

She climbed into the passenger seat and got lost in his eyes for a moment.

'So, where to?'

'Anywhere but here, just drive I honestly don't care where.'

Damon began to drive, he noticed Elena looked upset, so knew it was something serious.

As they crossed the town border, Elena felt relieved. She and Damon were going to have some alone time.

After driving in silence for 2 hours with the odd are you okay? From time to time, Damon finally stopped at a motel.

They got the key and went up to the room.

They both sat down on the bed.

Elena was the first to speak.

'So, Stefan has another girlfriend.'

'Are you serious, I never thought he would get one let alone two.'

Damon realised Elena wasn't in the mood for jokes and immediately changed his tone of voice.

'So, what are you going to do?'

'I kind of left him a message on the way here telling him I never want to see him again and I'm breaking up with him.'

'That was quick.'said Damon

'Well, that's not the only reason i broke up with him.'

'What was the other reason?'

' I'm in love with someone else' Elena said shyly

'Whoever he is, he's a really lucky man.'

'Yeah, I guess he is'

As she spoke those words she looked into Damon's eyes. It was like she was being hypnotised.

She wasn't thinking straight, so she blurted out some words.

' Damon, it's you'

She spoke so quietly Damon didn't manage to hear her the first time, but he soon caught on from the way Elena was looking at him.

Damon moved his head closer to hers. He gently stroked her delicate skin. Then, she also leant in.

She placed her hand in his,

and their lips touched.

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