Chapter 1

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    I woke up one morning and noticed that my husband Charles wasn't in bed with me. Apart of me was really happy but the other part was suspicious. Where is he?
     I got up and put on my robe and made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I walked in and saw breakfast on the table with flowers and I hear music playing. I look up and see Charles standing there smiling at me.
      I felt nervous with him standing there. He walked up to me and handed me a glass of orange juice and a kiss on the lips.
     I didn't kiss back and just looked up at him. "Good morning, baby. I made breakfast and I'm gonna run you a bubble bath to help with your soreness. Sit and eat your breakfast and then go upstairs and soak in the bubble bath I made for you ok? I love you".
      He kissed my cheek and walked upstairs to run my bath. I sat down with tears in my eyes. He beats me like a dog in the street but he loves me? I've been wondering lately if this is real love. I used to think that it was my fault that he would hit and beat me.
     He would say it was my fault because I agitated him and I would believe him. Apart of me still believes that but I don't know. I'm just trying not to upset him anymore.
     I finished my breakfast and went upstairs and into my bathroom. I took off my night clothes and slip into the bathtub. The warm water soothe the bruises on my skin and I relaxed a bit.

At Work
     I was working at the mall in the Nike store department. I loved working here because it gave me time away from Charles even though he calls to check up on me every hour all day until I get off.
      I worked with my friend Paris. Our other friends Kim and Rose work in the Victoria Secrets department.
      "So girl tell me why Dre thought that it was a good idea to just lay his clothes on the floor like I was gonna pick them up. I love my man but I'm not your fucking maid!".
I laughed at her. She was married to a guy named Andre and they were going strong for about six years. I met her when I started working here a few months ago and I met Kim through Paris. She was married to a guy named O'shea but we call him Cube for a nickname.
Rose was with Ren and they fought all the time apparently but they still loved each other with a passion. All my friends had good marriages and men that loved them and the ground they walked on and here I am married to a no good abuser and I think he's probably cheated on me in the past.
I long for Charles to treat me the way Dre treats Paris but I know that is not gonna happen. He can be gentle at times but I've learned to not expect it to last. Then he tries to make up for it and like an idiot, I believe when he says he's not gonna hit me anymore but he always does.
"You guys argue all the time but you know you love that man and would do anything for him."
She nodded. "You right. But he gets on my damn nerves but I love him though".
"Yeah I feel you"
"So when you gonna leave that no good motherfucker and get with a real man?"
I sighed. "P, don't start this"
"Start what? I'm serious. I know you're tried of hearing me say this but I keep saying it because I love and care for you. You deserve a man that is gonna treat you right like the queen that you are and that bitch Charles is not the right one."
I hear what she's saying and I'm glad she cares and loves me so much but I love him and maybe if I do right by him then he wouldn't be angry all the time.
"I hear you"
"Good. I hope one day soon you'll find the courage to leave and find someone that is gonna love and worship you".
I nodded and hugged her and got back to work.
An hour later I was just finishing ringing up a customer's shoes when I saw Dre walk in with a short guy walking with him. Paris saw him and ran over and gave him a hug.
She quickly gave the other guy a hug and went back to talking to Dre. The other guy was really handsome. He had an curl in his hair and was wearing baggy clothes with a baseball cap.
He was looking around the store when he locked eyes with me and took off his shades. He had beautiful brown eyes and he smiled at me.
I blushed and smiled back at him and turned around. I didn't want to stare too long and seem like I was flirting or anything. I have a husband at home. A husband that treats you like shit, my brain said
I looked up again and saw him making his way over to me. I panicked and started to fix my hair and make sure there was nothing on my face.
He came up to the counter and spoke. "Hey, what's up?"
"Nothing much. You need help looking for something?"
"Oh no I just saw you and how beautiful you looked and I wanted to come and talked to you".
I smiled and blushed. "Thank you. You're pretty handsome yourself".
He smiled and chuckled a little. "I know this is to forward but I wanted to know if I could take you out sometime?"
I raised my eyebrows. I haven't been out with anyone in a while. I would love to go out with him, but I can't.
"I'm sorry, Eric. I want to, really I do, but I don't know if that's a good idea. I'm married".
He nodded and smiled. "It's cool, baby, I understand. But maybe when could go out to lunch instead, as friends?"
I really wanted to go out with him and since he was so sweet and kind to me, I couldn't say no.
"You what? I'm gonna take you up on that offer".
Eric smiled widely. "Really?"
I laughed. "Yes, I would love to"
"Great. How about tomorrow? I'll come by on your lunch break and we'll go eat here at the mall? How bout that?"
I grinned. "That's perfect, Eric. I can't wait"
"Cool. I'll see you tomorrow then"
I nodded and he smiled at me, waved goodbye and walked out of the store with Dre.
Paris came back over smirking at me. "So, what were you and Eric talking about?"
"He wanted to take me out to dinner but I told him I was married and he ask to take me to lunch on my lunch break and I told him I would".
Paris nudged me. "Get your man girl"
"Paris, I'm married, remember?"
"Well, your husband isn't taking care of you and loving you the right way. Let that man woo you. I don't condone cheating at all but that man doesn't deserve your faithfulness. A real man does".
I nodded. "You right"
"I know I am", she said flipping her hair
We laughed and got back to work. I really like Eric so far but I didn't want to go to far with him because like I said, I'm married. But maybe Paris is right. Charles doesn't deserve faithfulness when he beats me like an animal.
I don't know but maybe I could make a friendship with Eric.

Ok here's the the first chapter. Tell me what you think. I don't condone cheating AT ALL!! But I feel like if you abuse your spouse(female or male because believe it or not, there are men that go through this as well), you don't deserve faithfulness from your spouse but I know two wrongs don't make a right. I want anybody whose reading this book, if you are going through any type of abuse, whether it be spousal, parental, sexual, mental, physical or anything to reach out and get help. Whether it be a shelter, the police or anything. I probably will put scenes of violence in here so just to warn you and if it triggers anything for you, stop reading and get help. I hope you guys enjoy this story

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