chapter fifteen

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I was sitting in the living room, shocked. I didn't know how to react.

Michael: surprised?

Yn:yea, very surprised but h-

Michael:how am I okay now?

I nodded

Michael: well after y'all left I had got up, it was all part of the plan

Yn:what plan?

Michael:I knew u and malak would get into a fight about him cheating and stuff but the blood u saw, was just a bulletproof vest filled with fake blood. Btw I was just playing dead when u tried to wake me up. I was praying to god that u wouldn't feel my pulse and thank god u didn't


Michael: amazing right?

Yn:yea I never knew u would do something like-

The doorbell rung

Yn:well that's weird

Michael: u want me to get it?

Yn:nah u just watch Jonah, I'll get it.

I walked towards the door and opened it.

I saw malak.

Yn:um malak what're u doing here

I said trying not to cry

Malak: I really wanna make things right, yn I'm sorry

Yn:I'm sorry too, malak but I'm not gonna go with u again and u end up cheating on me

Malak:see that's the point, I'm not gonna cheat on u

Yn:and how am I supposed to believe that?

Malak:idk but please, give me a second chance

Yn:I'm sorry malak

And I closed the door....

~~three months later~~

I was at the store with Michael and Jonah buying groceries.

Me and Michael had made things right, we have another baby on the way, and lol, we got engaged, again.

But anyways, Michael decided to take jonah to the toy section and I continued to buy stuff.

I was looking for something but I couldn't find it so I asked a person who worked here.

Yn:um excuse me, where is the spices, I cannot find them

He turned around and he looked so familiar.

Him:um yea it's in the third aisle but umm not to be creepy but is your name yn?

Yn:yea, it is

Him:u don't remember me? I'm Kenneth, remember

Oh shoot, I friendzoned Kenneth when I was dating Michael in high school so it's kinda awkward talking to him

Yn:ohh hey Kenneth!

Kenneth: so how's life? U still date Michael?

Yn: well me and Michael are engaged and we have a child together. Also, we're having a baby on the way but what about u

Kenneth:well that's great and I'm just working here, I got a girlfriend that I'm planning on proposing to and she also is gonna have a baby

Yn:wow that's great but here's my number so we can hang out at times


We exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes.

I went to get Michael and Jonah so we can go home.

When we got home, I asked him the big question.

Yn:Michael, baby, how come u didn't tell me that Angie was ur sister?

Michael: because I didn't want to break ur friendship with her if we broke up

Yn:oh well u might wanna tell her ur not dead

Michael:already did that


That's when I got a phone call.

Yn:hold on, I gotta take this

I walked away and answered the phone.


Malak:yn, can we meet somewhere I gotta speak to u

Yn:umm sure, meet me at McDonald's in ten minutes

I hung up

Yn:Michael I gotta go I'll be back in thirty minutes

Michael:okay see ya babe

When I got to McDonalds, I sat at the table where he was sitting.

Yn:so what's up?

Malak:okay *sighs* since u and Michael are going out, can we at least be friends?

Yn:of course, u don't even have to be my friend, u can be my best friend forever, like we did when we were little

Malak:hahaha, I love u... As a sister tho!

Yn;hahaha, I love u too, bro lol

We hugged...

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